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Five Star Romance Page 9

  He scanned her face. “Do you know something about this?”

  “I...the last day in Vegas...” Livi swallowed hard. “Blaze, we got married.”

  His body stiffened in shock and he put a hand to his head. “No...”

  Livi wrapped the towel tighter around her body. “It’s true. You and I are married.”

  Blaze stood there shaking his head in disbelief. “That can’t be true.”

  She walked over to her purse and pulled out several pieces of paper.

  Livi handed them to Blaze. “This is our marriage license and the vows we wrote down on napkins.”

  “Why didn’t you tell me?” he asked after a long silence.

  “Blaze, I wanted a chance for us to get reacquainted before springing something like this on you.”

  “You’re good at keeping secrets,” he uttered coldly. “At least from me, anyway. Who did you sell the story to?”

  “You think I did this?”

  “How else could they have found out?” Blaze demanded.

  “I don’t know, but I had nothing to do with this. I haven’t told a soul about our marriage. I had planned to tell you last night, but then...” Her voice died as her eyes filled with tears. “I didn’t do this.”

  He sat down on the edge of the bed.

  Livi sat down beside him. “I’m so sorry you had to find out this way. I was going to tell you this morning, but the media beat me to it. I want to tell you everything.”

  She reached for his hand, but he rose to his feet and began pacing back and forth.

  Livi blinked rapidly. “What? Blaze, do you really believe I’m the one responsible for this?”

  “Who else could it be?” he asked, spacing the words evenly.

  The telephone rang, cutting the silence.

  Blaze did not bother to answer it.

  He crossed the room in quick angry strides and peeked out the window. “There’s a news van outside.” Blaze sighed with exasperation.

  Livi stood up and followed him.

  “I didn’t have anything to do with this, Blaze.”

  He turned and looked down at her. “I don’t even know who you are, Livi. You are definitely not the woman I thought you were.”

  “Wow. I can’t believe you just said that to me.” Livi began putting on her clothes. “I need to get out of here.”

  “If they see you leaving here now, it would only confirm our marriage.”

  “They already know that we’ve been seeing each other. My being here just confirms that I spent the night here.” Livi slipped on her shoes. “I’m not going to sit around here and have you toss accusations my way. They are reporters and somehow they found out that we’re married. I had nothing to do with it, Blaze. I’m only guilty of not telling you before you found out this way.”

  “My family...” Blaze said as he placed his hands to his face.

  She picked up the towel and folded it. “I’m sure they will understand.”

  “I really thought I could trust you.” His tone was coolly disapproving.

  “Blaze, I didn’t do this,” Livi repeated once more. “I’ve kept our marriage a secret all this time, so why would I suddenly shout it to the world now?”

  “Maybe it’s because you don’t want to end the marriage,” Blaze stated with an edge to his voice. “You’re married to an Alexander.”

  “Do you really think I’m that shallow?”

  “I don’t know,” he responded with a shrug. “I will tell you this, Livi. We are going to get this marriage annulled as quickly as possible. I definitely don’t want anything to do with someone I can’t trust.”

  Chapter 13

  Livi slipped out of the building through a back exit and hailed a taxi.

  It wasn’t until she was home in her own condo that she allowed her tears to flow. Livi had vowed not to break down in front of Blaze.

  Sybil walked out of the guest bedroom. “Honey, what’s wrong?”

  Livi sat down on her sofa with her hands to her face. Tears blinded her eyes and choked her voice. She felt as if her heart were breaking into several little pieces.

  Sybil handed her a tissue. “Did you and Blaze have a fight?”

  She wiped her face. “Sybil, I need to tell you something, but you have to promise me that you won’t get upset with me. I really can’t take that right now.”

  “Of course, I won’t be upset. What is it?”

  “While we were in Las Vegas, you know that Blaze and I spent a lot of time together.”

  Sybil chuckled. “You just abandoned your girls, but we understood. What’s going on?”

  “There’s something that I never told you. Blaze and I got married that last night there,” Livi announced.

  Her friend gasped loudly. “I know I didn’t just hear you correctly. Did you say that you and Blaze Alexander are married?”

  Livi nodded. “Yes. We really didn’t have clear heads. In fact, Blaze didn’t remember anything that happened, including the marriage.”

  “He didn’t know that you two were married?”

  Livi nodded. “I should have told him right away, but I just wanted him to spend time with me first.”

  “He wasn’t the only one in the dark,” Sybil uttered. “Why didn’t you tell me and Amy? We are your girls.”

  “I was too embarrassed. How could I tell you that I married a man I knew for only three days? It was such a stupid thing to do.”

  “Why are you telling me this now?”

  “Because now everyone is going to find out,” Livi stated. “Somehow the news media got wind of it. Blaze is angry with me because he thinks I tipped them off. He wants to get the marriage annulled. He hates me.”

  “I can’t believe that you’re actually married to Blaze Alexander. A very rich and handsome Blaze Alexander.”

  “I don’t care about his money,” Livi stated. “You know that money doesn’t faze me at all.”

  “I can’t believe that you kept me out of the loop on this,” Sybil said. “Livi, you could have trusted me.”

  “Oh, nooo...” She groaned. “My parents. I need to call them.”

  “You might want to do it now before they hear about it on the news or in some tabloid.” Sybil reached over and handed Livi the telephone. “While you’re talking to your parents, I’m going to have Amy come over. She got in late last night, but she needs to get over here right now.”

  The telephone rang.

  Sybil answered it. “No, this is not Livi Carlyle. I’m sorry, but you have the wrong number. Who am I? Sybil Sanderson and this is my number.”

  “Thank you,” Livi told her.

  “We’re getting your number changed today.”

  Livi took the phone. “I’d better call my parents.”

  She walked into her bedroom for some privacy. While the conversation was not an easy one, Livi managed to make it through, but not without shedding tears.

  When she walked out of her bedroom, Amy and Sybil were seated in the living room talking.

  “What were you thinking?” Amy demanded. “You hardly knew the man.”

  She sank down on top of the leather ottoman. “Blaze is a sweetheart. He is kind, intelligent and generous. He has a wonderful sense of humor. We have a lot in common. And on top of that, I love him.”

  “She’s a grown woman, Amy,” Sybil interjected. “Livi feels bad enough.”

  “You have every right to be angry with me,” Livi said, “but I can’t change the past. What’s done is done.”

  “I thought you and Blaze were seeing each other now.”

  “We were getting close until this happened. Now he doesn’t want anything to do with me.”

  “I think you need to see an attorney,” Sybil stated.

sp; “Why?” Livi wanted to know. “We never had a real marriage. I don’t want anything from Blaze.”

  “Do you really think it’s going to be so cut-and-dried?” Amy asked. “What did your parents say?”

  “They want me to come home so that we can come up with a game plan.” Livi put a hand to her face. “I should have said something to Blaze earlier.”

  Amy nodded in agreement. “Does he know everything?”

  Livi shook her head no. “I’m not sure he could have handled knowing the truth about me. He flipped out over the idea that we’re married.”

  “It’s going to come out, Livi, so you might as well come clean once and for all.”

  “I don’t think you need to tell Blaze any of that until you know if he wants to stay in the marriage,” Sybil stated.

  She could get through this, Livi decided. She would do what she had been doing all of her life. She would survive.

  * * *

  Blaze was furious with himself. He should have known that Livi had something up her sleeve. Apparently, Livi was a master manipulator, willing to do anything to stay married. Blaze vowed from this moment forward that he would have nothing else to do with her.

  The telephone rang.

  Blaze unplugged it.

  He was furious. Livi had run out on him and never bothered to let him know that they were married. Blaze could only imagine the mess he would have unknowingly had if he married another woman.

  Blaze needed to tell his parents what was going on before they heard it from someone else.

  He picked up his cell phone and called his father.

  “Dad, we need to have an emergency meeting,” Blaze announced when Malcolm answered. “The whole family.”

  “What’s going on, Blaze?”

  Blaze heard the concern in his father’s voice and felt bad.

  “This is not something that should be discussed over the telephone. I’ll tell you when I get there.”

  They ended the call.

  His cell rang and it was his father.

  “Everyone will be here within the hour.” After a brief pause, he said, “I just received a phone call from a reporter.”

  “I figured you might. Dad...”

  “We’ll finish the conversation when you get here.”

  Blaze could hear the disappointment in his father’s voice. Waves of guilt flowed through him. He had hoped to never hurt them again.

  He could not believe that he and Livi were married. So that night when he got on stage with his frat brothers...they had eloped earlier in the day. His frat brothers never said anything, so he assumed he hadn’t told them. Maybe he and Livi were waiting to share their news until after the concert.

  His fall changed everything, but it made no sense that Livi had run off. They had attended the concert together.

  Blaze shrugged. It no longer mattered. The only thing on his mind was annulling the marriage. It had clearly been a mistake.

  If he ever saw Livi again, it would be much too soon.

  * * *

  Livi debated whether to go into the boutique, but she had a sale to prepare for. Besides, she needed to stay busy to keep her mind off Blaze.

  A woman entered the store and Livi greeted her.

  She noted the way the woman kept watching her when she thought Livi wasn’t aware of it. Her gaze traveled to Martha, who had a look of suspicion in her expression.

  Martha picked up the phone and made a quick phone call.

  The woman approached Livi. “Can you please confirm that you’re married to Blaze Alexander? Why did you keep your marriage a secret?”

  Security rushed in and quickly escorted her out.

  Seconds later, Natasha blew into the boutique and asked, “Are you okay?”

  Livi nodded. “I guess you’ve heard what the media is saying.”

  She gave a sympathetic nod. “We’re all heading to Pacific Palisades to discuss how to move forward.” She glanced around the boutique before adding, “I think you should come with us.”

  Livi shook her head no. “I don’t think so. Blaze is furious with me. He thinks that I’m the one who alerted the media.”

  “Are you and Blaze married?” Natasha asked in a whisper.

  She nodded.

  “I think that you need to see this.” Natasha handed her a newspaper. “It was delivered to us this morning.”

  Splashed across the front was a photo of her and Blaze. “Oh, nooo...” Livi groaned.

  “They are claiming to have a copy of the marriage license.”

  “I didn’t do this, Natasha,” Livi told her. “I never would’ve betrayed Blaze like this.”

  “I believe you.” Natasha nodded in understanding.

  They were joined by Ari, who said, “We need to get going.”

  Livi did not make a move to leave.

  He glanced at her. “My parents would like for you to join us, as well. This does concern you, Livi.”

  To Livi, it sounded more like an order than a request.

  She turned to her employee. “I’ll be back shortly.” Livi knew she needed to have some sort of explanation prepared for her staff upon her return. For now, she had to endure their gasps of shock and astonishment. “When I get back, I’ll explain everything.”

  She was nervous about this meeting. No doubt Blaze had convinced all of them that she was the culprit and they would believe him. Livi worried that she might lose her job as a result of this mess.

  No one said anything much during the drive to the Alexanders’ oceanfront estate in Pacific Palisades. Livi was glad to have the time to gather her thoughts. The thought of having to face all of them was daunting.

  Livi had been to the former DePaul estate to visit Robert or to work from the office in his exquisite Tuscan home in the Palisades Riviera community. Under normal circumstances, she would be looking forward to the visit, but not this time.

  The massive home suddenly seemed intimidating. She tensed up as they pulled into the driveway of the Alexander home.

  Livi hesitated. I can call for a taxi. I don’t have to go inside.

  Ari parked the car and got out.

  He opened Livi’s and Natasha’s doors.

  “It’s going to be all right,” Natasha whispered in a low voice. “This is not some sort of ambush. I promise.”

  “It feels like one,” Livi mumbled.

  She saw Blaze’s car and her heart began to ache all over again. Her emotions were still too raw to deal with him right now. She did not know what to expect, but Livi decided that she would leave on foot, if necessary.

  Chapter 14

  His parents had not said much to him since his arrival, which only made Blaze feel worse. He knew they were waiting for the rest of the family to arrive, but the tense silence surrounding them was unnerving.

  “What is she doing here?” Blaze demanded when Livi walked in behind Ari and Natasha. She was the last person he wanted to see.

  “She’s your wife,” Ari stated in a tone that brooked no argument. “She should be here. This is as much about Livi as it is about you. It’s time to do away with the secrets.”

  Before Blaze could utter a response, his parents walked out into the foyer, followed by Kellen and Zaire.

  Barbara embraced Livi and said, “Welcome to the family, dear.”

  “Thank you,” she responded softly. Livi could feel Blaze’s heated gaze on her, but she refused to look in his direction.

  Malcolm embraced her next. “I echo my wife’s sentiments. However, I can’t wait to hear the reason behind all the secrecy. You and my son owe us an explanation. I hope it’s a good one.”

  Sage and Ryan arrived next, a few minutes before Drayden.

  With everyone present, Livi followed Bla
ze’s parents into the family room where she took a seat on the sofa. Blaze was about to sit down in a leather wingchair, but his mother gestured toward Livi and said, “Why don’t you take a seat beside your wife?”

  “Mom, it’s not what you think,” Blaze uttered.

  Barbara looked over at her husband, then back at her son. “What do you mean by that? You and Livi are married, right?”

  Blaze nodded. “I was in Las Vegas with my frat brothers partying and just having a good time. I met Livi at that time.” He paused a moment before adding, “We have been married for almost two years. However, I’m just finding out that I have a wife.”

  His mother could not hide her surprise. “I see, but why didn’t you tell us?”

  Livi stared down at her hands.

  “Two years,” Malcolm said. “Blaze, what were you thinking?”

  “Dad, you don’t understand. I had absolutely no idea about the wedding. This is a huge shock to me, as well.”

  “Then make me understand,” his father responded. “What happened?”

  “I don’t know. That night, we attended a concert. My frat brothers and I were invited onto the stage to step. I fell and suffered a head injury that caused memory loss. The doctor called it retrograde amnesia.”

  Barbara gasped. “Why didn’t you tell us about this, son? An injury like that is serious.”

  Everyone looked in Livi’s direction.

  Livi cleared her throat noisily. “Blaze doesn’t remember anything about our wedding. We were going to tell everyone after the concert, but he fell and was rushed to the hospital. The hall was so crowded—by the time I made it up to the stage, Blaze was already en route to the hospital. When I got there, I heard Blaze talking to his friends. One of them said something about his running off with me and Blaze denied it. He said that he cared for me, but that marriage was out of the question.”

  She gazed at Blaze for a moment before continuing. “I didn’t find out that he had retrograde amnesia until we reconnected. I assumed that night that he didn’t want to be married to me, so I left the hospital and went back to the hotel. My friends and I left Las Vegas the next day.”

  “How do you suppose news of your marriage got out?” Barbara asked.