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Five Star Romance Page 10

  “I have no idea,” Livi answered. “I never told anyone except my parents, and I know they didn’t do this.”

  “So why didn’t you come forward then?” Malcolm wanted to know. “If the marriage was a mistake, then why not do something about it?”

  “I didn’t want to rush into another life-altering decision.”

  “So you were just going to continue this farce of a marriage?” Barbara wanted to know. “Was it in case you conceived a child?”

  “In part,” she responded. “I would rather be married to the father of my child, even though we were not physically together.”

  Blaze gave Livi a hard look.

  “There is no child,” she spoke directly to Blaze. “I would never keep your child from you.”

  He turned his attention back to his parents. “Mom, we are getting the marriage annulled as soon as possible.”

  “Livi, how do you feel about that?” Malcolm inquired, his arms folded across his chest. “Do you want to get your marriage annulled? I’m asking you this because I’m not buying the reason you stated. I believe there is more to this than you’ve said.”

  She stole a peek at Blaze before saying, “I’ve told you all the truth. We rushed into the marriage and...I just want to think this out.”

  “What is there to think about?” Blaze demanded.

  “Don’t you dare talk to me in that tone,” Livi snapped. “I’ve had about enough of you and your attitude, Blaze Alexander. I told you that I had nothing to do with the media finding out about our marriage and that’s the truth.”

  Ari chuckled. “You married a woman with some fire in her.”

  Blaze sent him a sharp glare.

  The telephone rang.

  “I suppose the phone will be ringing off the hook all day,” Barbara murmured.

  “We’ll turn them off or we can get the number changed,” Malcolm responded. “We are going to issue a statement and then be done with it.”

  “Issue a statement saying what exactly?” Blaze asked.

  “We can’t deny that you’re married, can we?” his father responded.

  Blaze’s mouth tightened. “Why confirm or deny anything? My personal life is my business.”

  “So you would prefer that we say nothing?” his father asked.

  “I don’t owe the media or the world any explanations.”

  “This is only going to increase the curiosity about the two of you and why you’ve kept your marriage a secret,” Barbara stated. “You’re going to be hounded by the media. If you just confirm the marriage, then maybe the interest will die down.”

  Ari and Malcolm nodded in agreement.

  Blaze looked at Natasha. “What do you think? Do you agree with them?”

  “You are entitled to your privacy, Blaze,” she responded, “but you are also a celebrity and there are people out there who want to know all the intimate details of your life. You and Livi do not have to go public with your marriage. However, the media is not going to let it go—not until the next big juicy story comes along.”

  Barbara rose to her feet. “I want to hear more about your time in Las Vegas, but let’s do it over breakfast.”

  Blaze grabbed Livi’s arm, holding her back. “I can’t believe you would come all the way out here. Just because you have my last name does not make you a part of this family.”

  She snatched her arm away. “Keep your hands off me.”

  “I’m sorry,” he said. “I didn’t mean to hurt you. Livi, you have no right to be here.”

  “Ari and your parents thought otherwise.”

  “Instead of fighting each other, you two need to come together,” Barbara suggested from the doorway. “I have a strong suspicion that Harold is behind this somehow. I wouldn’t be surprised if he is having us followed by detectives.”

  “I’m not a fan of Harold’s, but I doubt he had anything to do with this,” Blaze said as he stepped around his mother to enter the dining room.

  Barbara glanced at Livi and said, “Come, dear.”

  Livi sat down beside Blaze, but only because it was the only empty seat.

  “Your son would rather believe that I am the one behind all this,” Livi blurted. “Mrs. Alexander, you wanted to know how Blaze and I got together—well, I’ll tell you. When we met, I thought he was intelligent, handsome and someone I wanted to get to know better. He seemed like a perfect gentleman.” She paused a moment before continuing. “I loved the sound of his laughter and his sense of humor. We had a great time together.”

  Barbara smiled. “What about you, Blaze? What attracted you to Livi?”

  “Everything about her,” he responded. “We really clicked and I enjoyed being with her. She’s right. We had a good time.”

  “So you two got married,” Malcolm interjected.

  “Apparently so,” Blaze muttered.

  Barbara took a sip of her herbal tea. “Marriage is a serious step and should not be taken lightly or made in mockery.”

  Blaze met his mother’s gaze. “I know that, Mom.”

  “What happens now?” Malcolm asked.

  “The only thing I know is that Livi hasn’t been honest with me.”

  Barbara looked over at Livi and asked, “Do you agree?”

  “Mrs. Alexander, I was wrong for not coming forward sooner. As for our marriage, I have strong feelings for Blaze. I thought he felt the same way about me. Vegas was romantic and everything was perfect between us. We just got caught up in the moment and I—”

  “An annulment is the right thing to do,” Blaze interjected, cutting her off. “What happened that night in Vegas was a mistake.”

  “I’m not sure your wife agrees,” Malcolm stated.

  “Don’t forget that she walked out on our so-called marriage,” Blaze stated coldly. “I think a lawyer would consider that abandonment.”

  * * *

  Livi could not summon up an appetite. She could feel the tension permeating the room and was saddened by it.

  “You’re not eating,” Blaze said quietly. A sudden thin chill hung on the edge of his words. “Your first family breakfast—I thought you’d be thrilled.”

  Livi permitted herself a withering stare. “I’m not hungry.”

  “Blaze, will you please stop being so rude,” Sage blurted out. “Regardless of how it happened, Livi is your wife and you need to respect her as such.”

  He glared at his sister. “Why don’t you focus on your own marriage and stay out of mine?”

  “When did you become such a jerk?” Sage asked.

  Livi rushed to her feet. “I can’t do this,” she said. “I will not have all of you fighting because of what happened. Blaze, I will sign whatever you need me to sign. I...I just need to get out of here. I’m sorry.”

  Blaze glanced over at his mother, who said, “You need to go after her.”

  He walked outside to the patio.

  Livi was standing by the pool, wiping her eyes.

  “You may have my family convinced that you’re innocent with that little act of yours, but not me. What is it you want? Money?”

  Her temper flared and Livi clenched her hands into fists. “You have some nerve.”

  He opened his mouth to speak, but before any words came out, she pushed him into the pool.

  Zaire was the first one on the patio. She burst into laughter when she saw Blaze, soaking wet, getting out of the pool. “That’s just what you deserve.”

  The rest of the family joined them.

  Blaze stood there looking like a wet rag while his family laughed. The only person not laughing was Livi. She was crying.

  She wiped her eyes. “I don’t know how I could ever have fallen in love with you. I don’t even want to be in the same room with you.”

Livi turned to Malcolm and Barbara. “I’m not sorry for pushing him into the pool. He deserved it. I am sorry for ruining your breakfast. I didn’t want to come because I had a feeling it would cause drama. I was right. I’m going to call for a taxi and wait out front.”

  Ari tossed Blaze a towel.

  “You don’t have to do that,” Natasha said. “I’ll drive you back. Ari can ride back with Sage and Ryan.”

  “Oh, yeah,” Livi muttered as she pulled the newspaper out of her purse. “You need to see this,” she stated, handing Blaze the tabloid.

  He scanned it. “It’s a picture of us the night we met for dinner.”

  “Right,” she responded. “If I were the person responsible, then how did I get this photo snapped of us?” Livi pointed out. “Somebody had to have been there at the restaurant.”

  “Someone you told that we would be there,” Blaze countered.

  Livi glared at him.

  “So you want me to believe that someone just happened to be there when we showed up and they recognized me?”

  “They were either there already or came in after us. They saw us together and probably started researching me.”

  “I’m not buying it,” Blaze stated with a shake of his head. “I have been under the radar since moving out here—why would they dig into my past to find dirt on me now? That doesn’t make much sense.”

  “Blaze, you’ve made it perfectly clear that you don’t want to be married to me,” Livi snapped. “Let’s just get this over and done with.” She pulled out her cell phone.

  “Who are you calling?”

  “A taxi.”

  Minutes later, Livi ended the call and then said, “You will get your annulment. And do me a favor. Just stay as far away from me as possible.”

  * * *

  “Blaze, you did not handle this situation very well,” Malcolm said when his son came downstairs after changing into dry clothes.

  “Livi is trying to play us,” he responded angrily. “She had to be the one to leak news of our marriage. Dad, it could only be her.”

  “I’m not so sure. Anyone intent on finding dirt on this family could have come across your marriage license.”

  “Why do you believe so strongly in Livi’s innocence?” Blaze asked. “What do we really know about her?”

  “This girl is in love with you and I do not believe she would do anything to hurt you—especially something like this.”

  “She’s not in love with me,” Blaze argued. “Maybe she’s in love with your money.”

  “Do you really believe that, son?” Barbara asked from the doorway. “Because I don’t think you do. I believe that you care deeply for Livi.”

  He did not respond.

  “I’m in the mood for a walk on the beach. Why don’t you join me?”

  Blaze smiled and nodded. “Sure, Mom.”

  They walked for a while without saying anything. Finally, Blaze said, “I know you didn’t just want to take a morning stroll on the beach with me. What is it, Mom?”

  “Now that Livi’s gone, I’d like to know what your feelings are for this girl. Be honest with yourself.”

  “I was crazy about Livi,” Blaze admitted. “I guess I still am, but I don’t trust her any longer. She betrayed me.”

  “Hon, I know you believe that she did this, but I don’t think so,” Barbara stated. “I can see it in her face that she loves you. She does not want to end the marriage.”

  “Maybe that’s why she decided to go public,” Blaze responded. “Maybe Livi thought this would buy her some time.”

  “I hadn’t considered that possibility,” Barbara said. “But I still do not think that Livi is the one responsible for this. She has too much to lose. Remember, she kept this secret for two years.”

  “We are not staying married,” Blaze stated. “It would be a huge mistake.”

  She patted his arm. “Son, I know you’re angry right now, but I want you to give yourself some time. You have already been married two years—why are you in such a hurry to put an end to it now?” Barbara inquired. “Have you met someone else?”

  Blaze shook his head no. “There is no one else. Mom, I just want to go on with my life. I don’t feel as if I can until this marriage is annulled.”

  “Have you considered making the marriage work?”

  He laughed harshly. “Do you really think I can trust Livi after all that’s happened?”

  “In my opinion, it has not yet been proven that you can’t trust her.”

  “I suppose you think that Livi and I should give the marriage a chance,” Blaze said dryly.

  “You have already been married to this girl for almost two years. I don’t understand why you’re in such a rush, especially if there is no other woman in the picture and you’ve admitted that you have feelings for her.”

  “Mom, have you considered that I just want to be a single man with no ties to anyone?”

  Barbara sighed softly. “I never thought you would take marriage so lightly.”

  “I don’t even remember the ceremony.”

  “There was something about Livi that prompted the idea of marriage, whether you remember it or not. I just don’t believe you should just let her walk out of your life like this. Love is always worth fighting for.”

  “I find her incredibly sexy and we have a good time together. I care a lot for Livi, but, to be honest, I have no idea why I married her so impulsively. I just don’t remember.”

  Barbara shook her head. “I believe it was much more than that. Blaze, you have always been my wild child. You have turned out to be a wonderful man and I’m very proud of you.”

  “I don’t want to ever disappoint you and Dad again,” Blaze told her.

  “We just want you to be happy, son. Livi is a sweet girl and she loves you so much. Sometimes it’s better to be with someone who loves you, than being with someone you love.”

  Blaze considered his mother’s words. He knew that she wanted him to at least give his marriage a shot. And he wanted to honor her wishes.

  Chapter 15

  “I’ve never seen this side of Blaze before,” Natasha was saying. She had come to Livi’s place a couple of hours later after leaving the Alexander estate. “Livi, I’m so sorry.”

  “It’s not your fault. He’s really angry with me for a lot of things,” she said as she tossed a sweater into the suitcase lying open on her bed. “I didn’t tell him I was in town and then I didn’t tell him about the marriage. I never contacted the media, but Blaze is never going to believe me. We’re over before we ever had a chance to start.”

  “You do love him.”

  Livi eyed her friend. “I think I’ve loved him from the moment we met. I know he’s upset right now, but I never thought he would treat me this way.”

  “He’s going to come around,” Natasha assured Livi. “Blaze is a very private man.”

  Livi’s eyes filled with tears.

  She was heartbroken, but she would find a way to move on. She had known from the beginning that there was a chance that she and Blaze would not be together, but Livi held on to hope. Now that hope was completely gone. It had been destroyed by Blaze’s lack of faith in her.

  “Why are you leaving?” Natasha asked.

  “I’ve been summoned by my parents. I had to call them this morning.”

  “How did they take it?”

  “They’re concerned,” Livi stated. “Besides, I need to take some time just to deal with everything.”

  “You’re coming back?” Natasha asked. “Right?”

  Livi nodded. “I’m only going to be gone a couple of days.”

  When Natasha left, she finished packing her bag.

  Before heading to the airport, Livi stopped by the boutique to speak with her staff. S
he had arranged for a short meeting.

  When Livi walked into the boutique, her employees gathered around her.

  “I’m sure all of you have heard the news by now and it’s true,” Livi announced. “Blaze and I are married. We have been married almost two years now. This is all that I am going to say on this matter right now, so let’s get back to work. Also, if you are approached by any members of the media, I would like to think that your only response will be ‘No comment.’”

  Sybil and Amy arrived to take her to the airport.

  “How are you holding up?” Amy asked.

  “I’m fine,” she responded.

  “I called earlier and I was told that you were whisked away by Ari and his wife.”

  “There was a family meeting,” Livi stated. “I was told that I was expected to attend, as well. It was about the marriage and how to deal with the media.”

  “I suppose Blaze was there,” Amy said. “How did that go?”

  “He was a first-class jerk and I ended up pushing him into the swimming pool.”

  Sybil and Amy laughed.

  “I shouldn’t have done it, but Blaze was just getting on my nerves. I never thought he could be so mean.”

  “Say good riddance,” Amy said. “But make sure that you consult an attorney before you sign anything.”

  Livi could tell that Amy was about to launch into a tirade about men. She had just gone through a bitter divorce and had nothing good to say about men these days.

  * * *

  It was a short flight to San Francisco. Much too short, as far as Livi was concerned. This was one of those rare occasions when she was not looking forward to seeing her parents.

  Livi walked briskly through Baggage Claim with her carry-on and headed straight to the gleaming stretch limousine waiting at the curb.

  The chauffeur greeted her with a smile. “It is good to see you, Miss Olson.”

  “It’s nice seeing you, too, Ralph.”

  Pacific Heights had the widespread reputation as San Francisco’s most luxurious neighborhood, but Livi disagreed. In her opinion, the small patch of land hidden between the Presidio, Lincoln Park and the ocean, called Sea Cliff, ranked as the city’s most exclusive piece of real estate. After all, her parents would only settle for the very best.