Five Star Romance Read online

Page 12

  Blaze touched a finger to her chin. His eyes were bright with an emotion she could not identify.

  His mouth curved up at the corners. His finger brushed against her skin, moving back and forth, making it difficult to think.

  Desire ignited in her belly, causing her to pull away reluctantly.

  “What’s wrong, sweetheart?”

  “Nothing. I just don’t think it’s a good idea for us to get carried away,” she murmured against his cheek.

  Blaze pulled her back into his arms. He gazed into her eyes.

  Livi drew his face to hers in a renewed embrace.

  He kissed her again, lingering, savoring every moment.

  Her emotions whirled. Blood pounded in her brain, leapt from her heart and made her knees tremble.

  She rose to her feet and held her hand out to Blaze.

  “I don’t want you to leave, but I also do not want to make love. It’s too soon for me after all that’s happened.”

  Blaze nodded in understanding.

  She and Blaze climbed in bed and lay on top of the covers. He held her in his arms, keeping her close to him.

  “Thank you,” he whispered.

  “For what?”

  “For giving me a second chance.”

  Livi turned in his arms to face him. “You mean the world to me, Blaze. I want your trust and your love. I don’t need anything else.”

  He kissed her. “I have your love and I want to earn back your faith in me. Right before you pushed me into the pool, I saw the expression on your face. I never want you to look at me in that way again. You were so hurt.”

  “Let’s not look back, Blaze. Let’s just focus on what we have—the future.”

  * * *

  Livi moved in with Blaze the following weekend. She was excited about them starting their life together as husband and wife. Blaze seemed to feel the same way.

  He had taken care of everything, from having her things packed up to scheduling the movers. He had even had his housekeeper unpack everything except her clothing.

  “Wow, there’s hardly anything left for me to do,” she said, glancing around.

  Livi had just gotten off work and this was the first day of living in her new home. It was also the first time she was there since the night of Malcolm’s party.

  Blaze wasn’t there when she arrived. It felt strange being there without him.

  This is my home, too, she reminded herself.

  Livi strolled into the vast gourmet-style kitchen to see what she had to work with. She wanted to have dinner prepared by the time Blaze came home.

  She smiled when she noted how everything was organized and stacked neatly in the drawers and chocolate-colored cabinets. This was something else that she and Blaze had in common. They were both very organized.

  The collection of vintage car models on the bookshelves at the end of the island brought a smile to Livi’s lips. The subzero refrigerator was fully stocked with a variety of meats, produce and dairy products.

  She decided on steaks and roasted potatoes for dinner.

  Livi washed the meat and potatoes in the stainless-steel sink before placing them on a wooden platter. She prepared and seasoned the meat for grilling first. Next, she wrapped the potatoes in foil and stuck them in the oven.

  Livi had just taken the steaks off the grill when Blaze walked through the door. He greeted her with a warm smile. “Honey, I’m home.”

  She laughed.

  He strode into the kitchen and kissed her. “Seriously, I’m home.”

  Livi wrapped her arms around him and they kissed passionately. “I am, too.”

  “Dinner smells delicious.”

  “Why don’t you go get comfortable and I’ll get plates and take them to the dining room?” Livi suggested.

  Blaze kissed her again before leaving the kitchen.

  Livi smiled to herself. Things were getting off to a great start.

  She was seated at the table when Blaze returned wearing a pair of sweats and a Lakers T-shirt.

  He sat down across from her.

  “How was your day?” Livi inquired.

  “Pretty good,” Blaze responded as he placed a linen napkin on his lap. “I was in meetings most of the day.”

  “My staff is still acting like I’m a stranger. I know that they must feel as if I betrayed them in some way. I’ve heard that some of my coworkers have accused me of being a spy for your family.”

  Blaze laughed. “Seriously?”

  Livi nodded. “I wish everyone would just focus on their own lives.”

  “So do I.”

  “I don’t understand why everyone feels we owe them an explanation.”

  “We don’t, Livi.”

  “I love my job, but when I’m there...”

  “You do not have to work at all, Livi. In fact, my dad and I were talking about your becoming the centralized buyer for all the boutiques. You’ve done a great job with Parisian Maison.”


  Blaze nodded. “I think it’s the way to go. We can cut down expenses by having one person doing the buying for the whole chain. Of course, we have considered having a couple of assistant buyers work with you.”

  “Will I be able to select my assistants?” Livi wanted to know.

  “Yes, of course. We’ll have a formal meeting at the end of the week.”

  “Great. I’ve been saying that we need a corporate buyer for the past year or so.”

  “My father mentioned it a few months ago and we decided to do some research. After reviewing all the reports and talking with Natasha, we all decided it’s a good move. However, this means that you will be working in the corporate offices from now on.”

  “So does this mean we’ll be carpooling?” Livi asked with a grin.


  Later in the evening, Livi and Blaze settled down on the sofa to watch television.

  Her eyes strayed to the door of the master bedroom. Biting her lip, Livi looked away.

  “We don’t have to do anything until you’re ready,” he said in a low voice. “I’m willing to take it just one day at a time.”

  She loved Blaze with her entire being. He was so compelling, his magnetism so potent. Whenever he held her, she could feel his heart thudding against her own. There were times, when he was standing near her, that Livi could feel the heat emanating from his body. Blaze’s actions told her more than he could ever put into words.

  Chapter 18

  Guilt snaked down Blaze’s spine every time Livi expressed her love for him. He wished that he could return the sentiment—mostly because he knew Livi wanted him to, but to do so would be a lie.

  There were days when he thought what he was feeling for her might be love, but then at other times, he reasoned that it was just a kinship. She made no demands on him. She was pretty much a free spirit and very independent.

  Livi stretched and yawned.

  “Are you ready to go to bed?” he asked.

  She boldly met his gaze. “Yes, I think I am.”

  He rose to his feet. “After you.”

  Livi took him by the hand and led him to the master bedroom.

  Standing outside the door, Blaze asked, “Are you sure? I can sleep in one of the guestrooms.”

  “We can’t have a real marriage in separate bedrooms, Blaze. I’m not saying that we should make love. But if we do, I want it to happen naturally.”

  As soon as they entered the bedroom, Blaze pulled Livi into his embrace. “I want to be your husband in every way,” he whispered in a voice choked with passion. “I’ll wait until you’re ready. I meant that, but I want you to know how much I want to make love to you.”

  Livi placed a hand to his cheek. “I have to b
e honest with you. Blaze, I’m struggling, as well. I just think it’s too soon. I want you in the same room with me, but I’ll understand if you—”

  “No,” Blaze interjected. “I can control my urges, sweetheart. I want to wake up beside you.” He stepped forward and clasped her body tightly to his.

  Explosive currents raced through Livi.

  She eased away from Blaze. “I’m going to take a shower.”

  He groaned. “Now you’re going to torture me with the image of you with water dripping off that sexy body of yours.”

  Livi kissed his cheek. “I’ll see you in a few minutes, husband.”

  * * *

  The next day when Livi arrived at work, she was met by one of her employees.

  “We found it stuck in the door,” Martha said. “Livi, I want you to know that I don’t believe that trash.”

  Confused, she asked, “What are you talking about?”

  Livi glanced down at the tabloid and gasped.

  She pulled her keys out of her purse and headed toward the door.

  “Livi...” Martha called out.

  “I have to go,” she said. “I’ll be back, but right now I need to go see Blaze.”

  Livi drove to the corporate headquarters and walked straight to her husband’s office.

  She thrust the tabloid at him. “Do you know what they are saying about me? I’ve been depicted as some gold digger who married you for your money. Supposedly some secret source has confirmed that I knew what was in Robert’s will and sought you out.”

  Blaze was stunned. “What?”

  “This anonymous source sounds almost as vindictive as Harold DePaul,” Livi snapped. “If Harold really did this, then I promise you one thing. He’s going to regret the day he ever met me by the time I’m through with him.”

  “This does sound like Harold.”

  “I see I stopped by just in time.”

  Livi and Blaze both turned toward the door.

  Harold held up both hands as if to ward off an attack. “I had nothing to do with any of this.”

  “I don’t believe you,” Blaze uttered. “This whole things smells of you.”

  “Really? Well, I heard that you thought it was your lovely wife who spilled the beans.”

  “What are you doing here?”

  “I came to make sure you know who is responsible for all of this. It’s not me, but I know who it is. He came to me, and I thought I’d purchased all the photographs, but apparently not.”

  “How long have you known about our marriage?” Livi asked.

  “For a while,” Harold responded. “I hate seeing you so upset, Livi. I consider you a friend and I never would do something like this to you.”

  “Who is responsible?” Blaze wanted to know.

  “He’s a private detective. His name is George Pepper and he used to work for me from time to time. He was at the restaurant in the booth behind you and overheard a conversation that made him curious, so he decided to do some investigating on his own.”

  “Why did you pay him for the pictures?” Livi asked.

  “I didn’t want them published. Apparently, I didn’t offer George enough money. He sold the story to the highest bidder.”

  “Why should I believe you?” Blaze asked Harold.

  “Because I’m here.” He handed a packet to Blaze. “These are the pictures I bought from George. I’d told him not to discuss anything he had learned about you and Livi. I thought he would keep his word.” Harold paused a heartbeat, and then said, “However, there is something else that you two need to know. I did some checking of my own and, as it turns out, you two are not really married.”

  “What are you talking about?” Blaze demanded. “We have a marriage certificate that proves otherwise.”

  “Harold,” Livi prompted.

  “The preacher who married you...well, he wasn’t licensed. Your marriage is not valid.”

  “I don’t believe you,” Livi said. “Harold, why do you have to be so cruel?”

  “I’m telling you the truth. You can check for yourselves.”

  Harold made his way to the door. “I just thought you should know.”

  When Harold left, Blaze turned to Livi and asked, “Do you believe him?”

  “I don’t know.”

  Blaze met her gaze. “Livi, we’ll check it out.”

  She sank down in a nearby chair. “All this time, I thought we were married. Our wedding anniversary is tomorrow.”

  “We are still going to celebrate our anniversary.”

  Livi shook her head. “I don’t think we should. Especially if we’re not really married.”

  Blaze pushed away from his desk. He walked around to where Livi was sitting. “Everything is going to be fine.”

  “First, I have to deal with tabloids saying that I’m a gold digger and now this.” Livi chewed on her bottom lip. “Blaze, I would never do anything to hurt you or your family. I hope you will remember this in the future.”

  “Hopefully, all the rumors and gossip will die down soon. I know it upsets you, but try to ignore it.”

  Livi chewed on her bottom lip. “I’m finding that’s a lot easier said than done.”

  * * *

  Today was their second anniversary.

  Livi eyed the dining-room table and smiled. She had scented candles placed around the room and in the center of the table.

  I really want this evening to be perfect.

  Humming softly, Livi strolled into the kitchen to see how her meal was faring. Her lobster bisque had been in the slow cooker since she left for work. She opened the oven to check on the seafood casserole.

  Livi left the kitchen and went upstairs to put on a strapless maxi dress. She then slipped on a pair of bejeweled sandals.

  Blaze arrived thirty minutes later with a huge bouquet of flowers.

  “Something smells good,” he told her when she stepped aside to let him enter the condo.

  “Thank you,” she said with a smile. “Everything should be ready soon.”

  “These are for you,” Blaze said, holding out the flowers to her. “When I saw them, they reminded me of you. I remember how much you admired these when you saw them displayed around the hotel lobby in Las Vegas.”

  She sniffed the colorful bouquet and said, “They’re beautiful, Blaze. I’m touched that you remembered.”

  Blaze and Livi sat down at the dining table.

  He blessed the food and asked God to watch over their marriage.

  Livi could feel Blaze watching her. “Shouldn’t you be concentrating on your food?” She was eager for him to try the seafood casserole she’d prepared for the first time ever in her life. Livi was curious to see if it turned out well, and was to her husband’s liking.

  Blaze’s eyes traveled over her face, and then slid downward. “When I saw you in Vegas, I thought you were an illusion. I could not believe that you really existed. I had never seen anyone so beautiful. Then, as I got to know you, I realized what an amazing woman you are. What I’m trying to say is that I’m a very lucky man.”

  She took a sip of her lemonade. “My first impression of you was that you were a ladies’ man. I didn’t want to have anything to do with you. I saw the way your frat brothers were ogling the women, but then I noticed that you kind of stayed to yourself. Then I thought that you had to be married.”

  He laughed. “That’s why you checked my left hand when I asked you to dance?”

  “Yes,” Livi responded with a chuckle.

  “Did I propose to you?” Blaze asked.

  She looked at him. “Not exactly. We were having lunch and this couple walked in. It was clear that they had gotten married. We started talking about marriage and you mentioned being married to your work. Somehow, the
subject turned to you and me getting married.”

  “So we just did it?”

  “We talked about it at length,” Livi responded. “I was going to move to Atlanta to start our lives as husband and wife. You told me that you loved me and that everything about us felt right.”

  “You never told me this part,” Blaze said.

  “I didn’t think you were ready to hear it. I don’t know if you can imagine how much it hurt to hear you tell your frat brothers that you cared for me, but that you had no interest in being married to me. It broke my heart.”

  “I’m sorry.”

  Livi met his gaze. “You didn’t know. I understand that now.”

  Blaze met her gaze straight on. “Despite the crazy way our marriage began, I can’t see my life without you in it, Livi.”

  She wiped her mouth with the edge of her napkin. “I feel the same way.”

  “My favorite moment in Vegas is the night we danced in the rain,” Blaze said. “That’s the moment I knew our relationship changed.”

  Livi agreed. “It’s when I knew that I didn’t want to leave what we had in Vegas behind.”

  He tasted the casserole. “This is delicious.”

  She smiled. “Thank you.”

  Once they were done eating, they put the dishes into the dishwasher and put away the rest of the food. When the kitchen was clean, they settled down in the living room.

  Blaze pulled her into his arms, holding her close.

  “I have something for you,” he said, planting a kiss on her forehead.

  Livi sat up. “What is it?”

  He handed her a slim, gift-wrapped box.

  Inside was a diamond necklace.

  “It’s gorgeous,” she murmured.

  Livi met his gaze. “I have something for you, too.” She handed him a gift box that contained a watch. It was one Blaze had been admiring at the boutique.

  He smiled when he saw it. “I thought you’d sold it when I didn’t see it in the boutique anymore.”

  “I knew how much you loved it, so I thought it would make the perfect anniversary gift.”

  His mouth covered hers. She responded to his kiss as desire ignited in her belly. Livi felt as if she were losing herself in Blaze. It was as if the two of them were becoming one.