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Five Star Romance Page 11
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Page 11
The limo pulled into the circular driveway of a sprawling Mediterranean-style villa perched above the Pacific.
She inhaled deeply and then exhaled slowly.
Livi walked into the house.
Her parents were waiting for her in the formal living room. She embraced them both before taking a seat on the custom-designed sectional sofa.
Her mother spoke first. “I’m a bit confused. I thought you had the marriage annulled two years ago.”
“That’s what you wanted me to do, Mother. It was not what I wanted.”
“We’ve allowed you to live your life as you chose, Elizabeth. We did as you asked and did not interfere, but now in the wake of what’s happened, your mother and I would like to help you sort this out.”
“Daddy, this is my problem and I’ll work it out.”
“You never told us that you were married to Robert DePaul’s grandson,” her mother interjected.
“I didn’t know it at the time,” Livi responded with a sigh. “What does it matter?”
“Do you love him?”
Livi looked at her mother. “Yes, I do. But we are not going to stay married. According to Blaze, it was a mistake.”
“I wouldn’t dismiss your marriage so easily,” her mother interjected. “After all, you are married to one of the heirs to Robert DePaul’s estate.”
“Is that all you can think about, Mother? I could care less about Blaze being an heir to anything.”
“Darling, you have always been such a romantic. Your father and I married because our parents wished it, and it has been a good marriage.” She looked at her husband. “Wouldn’t you agree?”
Both of her parents had come from money and their marriage united two cosmetics companies into one successful conglomerate that was worth billions. Marriage without love may have worked for her parents, but this was not what Livi wanted for herself.
There was no way she would stay married to Blaze if he did not love her.
“I think the first plan of action is for us to meet your husband and his family,” her mother was saying.
Livi shook her head. “No way. I made this mess and I’ll take care of it myself.”
Her mother opened her mouth to argue, but Livi held up a hand. “I mean it. I am going to take care of this situation myself. There is no way I’m going to let you try to form some type of merger with the Alexander-DePaul Hotel Group. Besides, Blaze has no idea who I really am—I need time to fix all this before he can ever meet you and Daddy.”
“Why do you insist on all this secrecy?” her father asked. “Are you ashamed to be an Olson? It’s a good name.”
“I want people to get to know me and not who my parents are.”
* * *
Franklin walked out onto the patio where Blaze was seated.
“May I join you?” he asked.
“Sure,” Blaze responded. For the past couple of days, Blaze had spent most of his time in a chair near the pool.
They sat together in silence for a moment.
“Do you think that Livi did this, Franklin? I never thought she would betray me in this way.”
“Livi would never speak to the media about her private life.”
Blaze looked at him. “How can you be so sure?”
“Because I know her,” Franklin responded. “You’ve heard of Olson Cosmetics?”
Frowning in confusion, Blaze responded, “I guess. Wait...yeah, I’ve heard of the company. What about it?”
“Livi’s full name is Elizabeth Carlyle Olson,” Franklin announced.
Blaze’s eyes rose in surprise. “Are you saying that Livi is Olson Cosmetics?”
“Her parents own the company,” Franklin stated. “She is an heiress to a billion-dollar company.”
Blaze was stunned. “She never mentioned that.”
“She wouldn’t. At least not right away. Livi is much like you when it comes to her privacy and living a normal life. She wanted to make sure any man she was involved with dated her because she was just Livi.”
“She’s definitely not after my father’s money,” Blaze said. “I was wrong about that.”
He couldn’t help but wonder what else he might be wrong about.
“How do I make this right?” he asked Franklin.
“I have a feeling that an apology may be a good place to start.”
“I said some horrible things to her.”
“If you care for her, then go after her.” Franklin rose to his feet. “I have to pack. I’m flying with your father to Arizona in a few hours.”
Blaze nodded. “Thanks.”
He stayed outside for another hour, silently considering Franklin’s advice.
When he walked into the house, he spotted his father in the kitchen with his mother. Blaze stood there watching them as they embraced and kissed. It was not unusual for him to catch his parents displaying affection openly.
He cleared his throat loudly. “C’mon, you two. Give your son a break.”
Barbara walked over and patted his cheek. “Why don’t you try to call Livi?”
“I think I was wrong about her,” Blaze said. “She probably hates me now.”
His mother shook her head. “I doubt that. I’m sure Livi’s hurt and upset, but it’s not something you can’t fix, if this is what you really have a mind to do.”
“Mom, what do you think I should do?”
“I think you and Livi need to talk to each other,” Barbara stated. She reached out and took Malcolm’s hand in hers. “Marriage is sacred, son. Although this may not have been the ideal situation for you and Livi, I wouldn’t just walk away without seeing if something is there.”
Malcolm wrapped his arms around his wife. “I agree with your mother. I know you care for your wife. Isn’t that worth fighting for?”
“There’s something else,” Blaze announced. “Livi’s parents own Olson Cosmetics.”
Barbara’s mouth opened and closed in shock. “Really?”
“She’s not after your money, Dad.”
Malcolm laughed. “I never thought she was.”
“I think I’ll fly down to Aspen for a few days,” Blaze announced. “I need to get away and think about everything.”
“Son, I think that’s a great idea,” Malcolm stated. “You’ve got quite a bit to consider.”
Chapter 16
Four days passed since Livi’s return home, and she had not heard a word from Blaze. As far as she knew, Blaze had not come near the hotel and she had heard that he had not been in the office, either. Supposedly, he was away on a business trip, but Livi believed otherwise.
Livi missed hearing his voice and that sexy laughter that warmed her all over.
Regardless, he had left her back here to deal with the fallout. Livi had changed her home number, and Ari arranged for the store to have security posted to keep reporters out. However, every now and then, she felt as if she were being watched.
At work, the other employees treated her differently. In their minds, she was an Alexander.
If they only knew.
Livi decided to work until closing, since there was no reason for her to rush home. She did not want to hear Sybil’s constant advice to seek alimony from Blaze. She did not want anything but his heart and if she couldn’t have that...
Livi felt her eyes water.
I’m not going to cry. I’m not.
She did not make it home until shortly after ten.
“Sybil,” she called out.
There was no response.
Livi was glad to have the condo to herself. She was tired and she did not feel like talking.
She ran a hot bath and undressed.
Livi stepped into the tub and sat down to soak in the bubbly water. S
he leaned back and closed her eyes.
She stayed in the tub until the water began to cool.
Livi got out, dried off and then slipped on a pair of silk pajamas. She grabbed a novel and walked into the living room to sit down and read for a while before going to bed.
There was a knock on her door.
“Sybil, where is your key? I—” Livi stopped short at the sight of Blaze standing there.
“I’m sorry for coming by so late, but I really need to see you.”
“I don’t want to see you,” Livi stated.
“Please, I want to apologize for my actions.”
“Some things you cannot apologize for, Blaze.” Livi was about to close the door, but his foot prevented her from slamming the door in his face. “We have nothing to talk about.”
“We have a lot to discuss,” Blaze countered. “Including your connection to Olson Cosmetics. Please let me in.”
Livi’s eyes registered surprise, but it was gone as quickly as it had come. “It’s late, Blaze, and I really don’t feel like arguing.”
“That’s not why I’m here. Livi, I just want a chance to make this right between us.”
She met his gaze. “Why? Did you find out who told the tabloids about our marriage? I’m sure you’ve done some investigating.”
“I know that it wasn’t you, but no. I haven’t found out anything concrete.”
“I guess this sudden change in your attitude has to do with the fact that my last name is Olson.” Livi shook her head sadly. “Goodbye, Blaze.”
“No,” she interjected. “We are done. Now move your foot or lose it.”
“Good night,” he said, then turned and walked away.
Livi resisted the urge to call him back. She had to stand her ground. He had hurt her and she was not about to just let him back into her life to do more damage.
* * *
Blaze had not expected a warm welcome, but he had expected to at least get past the door. Livi was furious with him and, truth be told, he couldn’t really blame her.
While in Aspen, he’d had a lot of time to think about his relationship with Livi. He felt like a piece of his heart was missing.
Blaze was not sure if what he felt was love, but it was probably as close to it as he’d felt for any woman. He didn’t care about her wealth and understood why she had chosen to distance herself from it. Blaze probably would have chosen that route had the opportunity presented itself.
Livi had declared her love for him. Maybe his parents were right. He owed it to himself to explore his relationship further. He had a wife and now the whole world knew it.
* * *
The next day, Livi arrived at work and saw two dozen red roses on the counter near the register.
“These just came for you,” Martha announced. “I’m pretty sure they are from that handsome husband of yours.”
Livi read the note and smiled.
I’ve handled this whole situation badly from the very beginning. I’m sorry for being a jerk and would really like a second chance. Please consider moving in with me. We owe it to ourselves to see if what we have is real.
“What did I tell you?” Martha said with a grin.
Livi inhaled the fragrance of the bouquet. “They are beautiful.”
Martha agreed. “If I were you, I’d head to my office and make a phone call to a certain someone.”
“I don’t know...”
“Call him,” Martha urged.
Livi walked back to her office and picked up the phone.
When Blaze answered, she said, “Thank you for the flowers and the invitation. The roses are beautiful.”
“I’ve gone about all of this the wrong way and I’ve been a jerk. Livi, I hope you can believe that I never wanted to hurt you. I just let my anger get the better of me.”
“I don’t want to dwell on the past or stay angry with you, Blaze. Thanks for the flowers and I appreciate the apology.”
“Did you mean what you said to me?” he asked. “Are you in love with me?”
“It doesn’t matter anymore,” Livi responded.
“Please, I’d like to know.”
“Yes, I do love you, Blaze.”
“I didn’t know.”
“As I said, it really doesn’t matter, Blaze. Have you started the process of obtaining the annulment?”
“That’s why I wanted to talk to you, Livi. I thought about it some more, and I think that maybe we should try to see if we can be together.”
Livi stared at the phone, and then put it back to her ear. “What did you just say?”
“I want you in my life.”
She was speechless.
“Livi...” Blaze prompted.
“I’m here. I’m just in shock right now.”
“I can’t get you out of my mind. Believe me, I’ve tried.”
“So what are you really saying to me?” Livi asked.
“I want to try to make our marriage work,” Blaze announced. “I want to be your husband.”
“Don’t play games with me,” Livi snapped. “This is totally not funny.”
“Honey, it’s not meant to be. I’m serious. I thought about everything you’ve said and what my mother told me. Marriage is sacred and should be treated as such. However, we can’t have a marriage if we don’t try to build on what we have.”
“So are you saying that you want us together as in living together as a married couple?” Livi asked. She wanted to be sure she was clear on what Blaze was saying.
“Yeah. I would like for you to move in with me.”
“Why the sudden change of heart?”
“Because I care deeply for you, Livi. I want to see where this thing between us goes.”
“Can we discuss this later tonight?” she asked. “I need some time to digest this turn of events.”
Chapter 17
They were seated in a booth in La Parrilla having dinner.
“Why didn’t you tell me who you really were?” he asked Livi.
She wiped her mouth on the edge of her napkin. “I wanted you to love me for me. I didn’t want it to be about my parents’ money. I told you that we had a lot in common.”
“Are there any more secrets?” Blaze wanted to know.
Livi noticed his set face and clamped mouth. “No, you know them all now.”
“I’m truly sorry for the way I acted, Livi. I was thrown by the news of our marriage, but I should have handled it differently.”
“We both made mistakes, but I would like to wipe the slate clean,” she responded.
Blaze reached over and took her hand in his own. “I’d like for us to start over.”
A delicious shudder heated her body at his touch. Livi felt the heat of desire wash over her like waves. Her eyes traveled to his lips. She wanted so much to feel the touch of his mouth against hers. Livi cleared her throat, pretending not to be affected by Blaze. “I’d like that, too.”
Blaze seemed to be staring at her intently.
She broke into a tiny smile. “You’re doing it again.”
“Doing what?”
“Staring at me.”
“I love looking at you,” Blaze admitted. “I happen to find you incredibly beautiful.”
The waiter’s appearance with their dinner put a temporary block on their conversation.
So far, the evening was going quite well, Livi acknowledged.
From the moment Blaze arrived at her door, he openly admired the way she looked for their date and had complimented her several times throughout dinner on her dress.
Livi silently noted how handsome Blaze looked in his gray suit. She was totally entranced by him.
“Eventually, the connection to my parents will come out,” Livi said after taking a sip of her iced tea. “With any luck, another more high-profile celebrity will get into trouble and we’ll be old news.”
“How did they take the news?” Blaze inquired.
“They couldn’t be happier,” Livi said. “But, unfortunately, they view our marriage as a potential business merger of some kind.”
Blaze laughed. “My family really likes you. For yourself. It’s not about money or any type of merger.”
She looked at him. “Are you sure?”
He nodded.
Barbara had greatly influenced Blaze’s decision to stay in his marriage. He could not bear disappointing her again, which is why he decided to do as she suggested. Blaze had not lied to Livi, but he was not about to tell her they were getting together because his mother wanted them to.
“Blaze, are you sure about our moving in together? Before everything came out, you wanted to just take it one day at a time.”
“I didn’t know I already had a wife at the time.”
“So you want to give our marriage a chance?” Livi studied the expression on his face.
“Yes,” he responded. “I want to try to see if we can make this work.”
She smiled. “Thank you, Blaze.”
They left the restaurant and drove to Livi’s place. She made a pot of coffee, and then sat down with Blaze in the living room.
“I’m still having trouble believing that you want to stay married,” she confessed.
Blaze reached over, drawing her closer to him. He seemed to read her thoughts because he held her in his arms while kissing her passionately.
When Blaze pulled away, he said, “We have something special together, sweetheart. It took me a while, but I’ve finally realized it.”
In response, Livi pulled his head down to hers. Their lips met and she felt buffeted by the winds of a savage harmony. Her senses reeled as if short-circuited and made her knees tremble.
Breaking their kiss, Livi buried her face against Blaze’s throat. Her trembling limbs clung to him helplessly. She was extremely conscious of where his warm flesh made contact with hers.