Five Star Romance Read online

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  Martha’s expression showed that she clearly did not believe Livi. “You’re going through a lot of trouble for someone who isn’t special to you.”

  Livi pulled another dress off the rack and frowned. “I guess I’ll run down the street during lunch to see if the shop there has anything.”

  “That’s a beautiful dress,” Natasha said as she walked into the boutique. “It’ll look great on you.”

  “You really think so?” Livi asked.

  Natasha nodded. “That color is perfect for your complexion. Have you tried it on?”

  “No.” Lowering her voice, Livi said, “Blaze asked me to accompany him to your father-in-law’s birthday party. I’m trying to find the perfect dress.”

  “I think you already have. I love this one.”

  Livi eyed the dress on the hanger. “I like it, but I don’t know if it’s dressy enough for a party like that.” She was careful to keep her voice low because she knew Martha was trying to eavesdrop on her conversation.

  “It’s perfect,” Natasha assured her. “It’s simple but elegant.”

  “That’s usually my style,” Livi said. “I just thought I’d change it up some.”

  Natasha shook her head no. “I wouldn’t. Wear what works for you.”

  “I’ll try it on.”

  Livi eyed her reflection in the three-way mirror and smiled. The dress actually looked much better draped on her body than on the hanger.

  “You look great,” Natasha and Martha said in unison.

  “Natasha, I think you’re right about this dress,” Livi stated. “I’m loving it.”

  She made her decision, and then went back to the dressing room to change out of the dress.

  When Livi walked out a few minutes later, Natasha met her and said, “I’m glad Blaze is bringing you to the party. I think you two make a great couple.”

  “We’re not a couple, Natasha.”

  “Maybe not, but do you want to rule it out?”

  Livi did not respond. Deep down, she wished she could confide in Natasha, but Livi was not about to betray Blaze.

  Natasha pointed to a pair of shoes. “When I was in Sacramento a couple of weeks ago, I saw those pumps in a burgundy color. Do you have them in stock?”

  “We don’t,” Livi responded, “but I can special-order them for you. They also come in an olive green that would match the suit you’re wearing.”

  Natasha’s eyes lit up. “Order a pair in olive for me, as well. Size 8.”

  Livi finalized Natasha’s order. “They’ll arrive in seven to ten days.”

  “I can’t wait.”

  They talked for a few minutes more, and then Natasha left the boutique and walked in the direction of the exit doors leading to the parking garage.

  She felt a thread of guilt over the secret she was keeping. Livi liked and respected Natasha. She hoped her friend would be able to forgive her one day.

  Chapter 12

  Blaze and Livi arrived at the marina and quickly boarded the yacht. His parents were due to arrive within the hour.

  Everyone was already on board except for Kellen and his date.

  “Where is that boy?” Sage questioned. “He was supposed to be here by now.”

  Zaire chuckled. “Probably getting busy with that new girlfriend of his.”

  “Surely that could have waited until after the party,” Sage responded stiffly, prompting laughter from Blaze and Livi.

  “Here they are,” Ryan announced. “Relax, sweetheart. I don’t want you getting upset. It’s not good for the baby.”

  Sage lit into her brother as soon as he stepped on board. “You know this is supposed to be a surprise party,” she fussed.

  “I’m here already,” Kellen responded. “Calm down, sis. Let’s just enjoy the evening.”

  Several of Malcolm’s close friends arrived and joined the family in the lounge area, which included a full bar, cigar deck and dance floor. The second-story lounge was complete with several overstuffed sofas, romantic lanterns and tropical plants.

  Livi admired the Polynesian-style décor that was both modern and elegant. Blaze took her from room to room, giving her a tour of the luxury yacht. “This is just beautiful,” she said.

  “My mom fell in love with this yacht the moment she saw it, so she bought it as a gift for my dad.”

  “It’s a very nice gift.”

  Blaze agreed. “Dad always dreamed of buying one, but this is not something he would buy for himself. My parents know each other well. I think that’s one of the reasons their marriage works. That and the fact that they are still head over heels in love.”

  Livi smiled. “My parents have a good marriage, too, but for them it’s not about the passion. They are both astute businesspeople and they seem to run their marriage in the same way that they run their company.” She shrugged. “It works for them.”

  “My mother says that it’s important to be able to anticipate the desires of your spouse and put their needs before your own.”

  Livi nodded. “I agree with her.”

  As they awaited the arrival of the guest of honor, attendees were given a glass of champagne.

  “This is really nice,” Livi said. “You have a steel-drum band and hula dancers?”

  He nodded. “We also have a DJ.”

  “Wow, you all did a wonderful job putting this together.”

  “I can’t take credit for any of this. Sage, Ari and Natasha handled all the arrangements.”

  Blaze took Livi to the upper deck where an array of appetizers was spread out for guests.

  At one end of the table there was a tropical fruit-and-cheese display with assorted crackers, mini-crab cakes and spinach-artichoke dip. The other end offered a brie and raspberry cream cheese display, salsa and a hot tuna dip. In the middle were teriyaki chicken strips with ponzu dip, and jumbo shrimp with a spicy cocktail sauce.

  “Everything looks delicious. I’m tempted to try everything, but then I’d have to spend the rest of the weekend on a treadmill.” Livi felt the heat of Blaze’s gaze on her and looked up. “Why are you staring at me like that?”

  “Was I staring? I’m sorry.”

  “The limo is pulling into the marina,” Zaire announced. “We need to go inside to the lounge.”

  Blaze took Livi by the hand and led her down to the second level.

  His touch warmed her all over. Livi savored the feel of his skin and the scent of his cologne, which was almost intoxicating.

  Why did I ever run away from this man? she wondered.

  They stood in silence, waiting for Malcolm and Barbara to enter the lounge.

  “Why is it so dark in here?” she heard him say before the lights came on and everyone yelled, “SURPRISE!”

  Malcolm looked down at his grinning wife and picked her up. He kissed her before releasing her. “I know you’re behind this.”

  “Happy birthday, sugar,” she murmured, her gaze never leaving Malcolm’s face. It was clear that Barbara only had eyes for her husband.

  Blaze and his siblings joined their parents.

  Livi watched them, a smile on her face. She and her parents were close, and she liked that Blaze also came from a close-knit family. Livi did not have any siblings, however, and she envied him in that respect.

  Now that Malcolm and Barbara had arrived, everyone went into the dining area where a pasta station was set up with choices of salmon alfredo, shrimp scampi and meatball marinara. A carving station of top sirloin was also set up on the opposite side of the room.

  While the guests ate, the hula dancers performed to the rhythm of the steel-drum band.

  “If I weren’t pregnant, I could do that,” Sage stated.

  Livi’s eyes widened in surprise. “You’re going to have a baby, too?
” She knew that Natasha was pregnant, but she hadn’t known about Sage.

  “Yes. Ryan and I can’t wait to meet this little person.”

  Livi felt a twinge of sadness. For a brief moment, she allowed herself to fantasize about having a “little” Blaze. She flushed at the thought of being pregnant with his child. The thought was premature, but she couldn’t just dismiss the idea out of hand. Livi wanted to have children with Blaze one day. She knew that he would be a great father.

  “Would you like to dance?” Blaze asked Livi after they had eaten.

  She nodded. “I love dancing—don’t you remember? I just haven’t done it in a long time.”

  He eyed her in amazement. “What? Not the party animal herself...”

  “Ha-ha,” she muttered, taking him by the hand. “I hope you learned something other than that two-step you used to do.”

  Blaze pretended to be offended. “I know you’re not talking about me. Girl, you must be thinking about some other guy.”

  Livi laughed as she rose to her feet, waiting for Blaze to take her to the dance floor. Sage and Ryan were on their heels.

  She walked slowly, her body swaying to the music. “I love this song.”

  Blaze escorted her to the middle of the front of the dance floor and began dancing to the music.

  “Yeah,” Livi uttered with a laugh. “You’re still doing that two-step move.”

  Blaze changed it up, surprising her.

  “Wow, look at you.”

  “I have some moves,” he bragged. “I didn’t show you everything.”

  One song ended and a slow one began while they were still on the dance floor.

  Blaze’s hands locked against her spine.

  Livi relaxed, sinking into his cushioning embrace. Her skin tingled from the contact. She met his gaze.

  “There’s so much I want to say to you,” she blurted out.

  He smiled. “I feel the same way.”

  The song ended, but Blaze did not release Livi.

  Kellen walked over and tapped Blaze on the shoulder. “Can I dance with the pretty lady?”

  His date sashayed toward them. “I’ll take Blaze off your hands.”

  Afterwards, Livi and Blaze took a stroll on the deck.

  Livi paused and pointed to a small boat carrying two people. “Are they taking pictures of us?”

  Blaze nodded. “This is the part of my life that I’m not feeling,” he told Livi.

  She slipped her arm through his. “The price of fame, huh?”

  He nodded. “We can’t even have a private party for my father without someone trying to make it a headline in the news. It’s ridiculous.”

  “We can go back inside if you want,” Livi suggested.

  Blaze shook his head no. “I’m fine.”

  “I need to tell you something,” Livi began.

  “What is it?” he asked.

  They walked over to a couple of lounge chairs and sat down.

  “Blaze, I have feelings for you,” she confessed.

  “Livi, I care for you, too.”

  “When we were in Vegas, a lot happened between us.” Livi tried to search for the right words. “I don’t quite know where to begin.”

  “Things were heavy and intense between us,” Blaze interjected. “That’s why I don’t want to rush the relationship. Back then, we didn’t know if we would ever see each other again. But now...I’m not going anywhere.”

  “Neither am I,” Livi stated.

  She wanted to tell him everything that happened in Vegas, but held back for now. Livi had planned to confess all as soon as they were alone. She no longer wanted to carry this secret.

  A few minutes later, Blaze and Livi walked back inside and headed straight to the dance floor.

  At the end of the evening, guests were given a choice of an iPad case or a notepad, pen and flash drive set by Ungaro as a party favor. Blaze gave Livi one of each.

  When they were inside his car, he glanced over at Livi and asked, “Are you ready to go home?”

  “What do you have in mind?”

  “I thought that maybe we could go back to my place and talk.”

  * * *

  “Finally, some privacy,” Blaze uttered as he escorted Livi into his apartment. “No media lurking around. I don’t have to be on guard.”

  “I don’t think you should let them get to you like this,” Livi stated. “You just have to pretend that they aren’t there.”

  Their gazes locked and both of them could see the attraction mirrored in the other’s eyes.

  The smoldering flame Livi saw in his eyes startled her. She was by no means blind to his attraction, but the intensity of his gaze...Livi needed to tell him the truth.

  Before she could open her mouth to speak, Blaze pulled her into his arms. “Livi, there is something that I’ve wanted to do all evening.” The prolonged anticipation of kissing her had become unbearable. His mouth covered hers hungrily.

  Raising his mouth from hers, Blaze gazed lovingly into her eyes.

  Livi drew his face to hers in a renewed embrace. Her body ached for his touch and she no longer wanted to deny herself.

  He kissed her again, lingering, savoring every moment.

  “There are no words to describe how badly I want to make love to you,” Blaze whispered.

  Livi’s emotions whirled. Blood pounded in her brain, leapt from her heart and made her knees tremble.

  “This is something we both want,” she said huskily.

  There was a pensive shimmer in the shadow of his eye.

  “I want this as much as you do, Blaze.”

  Blaze gathered her into his arms and held her snugly. “I have really missed you.”

  He touched his lips to hers.

  Livi kissed him with a passionate hunger that belied her outward calm. She was shocked by her own eager response.

  She felt blissfully content and fully alive.

  Livi wrapped her arms around Blaze, pulling him closer to her. She could feel his uneven breathing on her cheek, as he held her tightly.

  Blaze traced his fingertip across her lips, causing Livi’s skin to tingle when he touched her. He paused to kiss her, sending currents of desire through her.

  “Make love to me,” she whispered between kisses.

  “You don’t know how badly I’ve wanted to hear those words. I’ve wanted you from the moment I saw you again.”

  Blaze bent his head and captured her lips in a demanding kiss.

  Locking her hands behind his neck, Livi returned his kiss, matching passion for passion.

  Blaze picked her up and carried her into his bedroom. He undressed her slowly.

  “You are so beautiful,” he told her in a husky voice.

  His mouth covered hers again, hungrily.

  A fiery passion ignited in the pit of Livi’s belly as she and Blaze were joined in a lover’s dance. Although she did not give voice to the love she felt for Blaze, Livi tried to show him in her gaze, her kisses and the rhythm of her movement.

  She focused only on this moment and Blaze, forgetting her secret for the time being. Nothing else mattered.

  * * *

  Blaze woke shortly after seven the next morning. A smile spread across his face as he watched Livi sleep. She still looked beautiful with her short hair spiked in every direction.

  Last night had been perfect but commitment could not be based on great sex. Blaze found it very easy being with Livi. She was intelligent, very independent and sexy.

  Blaze planted tiny kisses on each cheek, her nose, her chin and her neck in an attempt to wake her up.

  Livi moaned softly.

  He placed a kiss on her lips.

  Livi opened her eyes, stretc
hed and yawned. “Good morning.”

  She sat up in bed, pulling the covers up to hide her breasts.

  “How did you sleep?” he asked.

  Livi smiled. “You mean after you finally let me get some sleep?”

  She attempted to get out of bed, but Blaze held her hostage. “Not just yet.”

  “I need to take a shower.”

  “Do you mind if I join you?”

  Livi planted a kiss on his lips. “Not at all.”

  She got out of bed and padded barefoot across the floor into the bathroom.

  Blaze could hear the shower running and climbed out of bed. Before he could join Livi, the telephone rang.


  Blaze’s smile disappeared and he felt as if all blood had drained from his face. “Excuse me?”

  “Is it true that you and Livi Carlyle are married and have been for two years?”

  He slammed down the telephone.

  He and Livi married? What craziness was this?

  The phone rang again.

  He picked up the receiver and it was another reporter.

  Blaze hung up the phone.

  His stomach was filled with apprehension. He couldn’t understand why they were asking him about a nonexistent marriage to Livi. Reporters would go to any lengths to get a story, it seemed.

  Had this news already reached his parents? Blaze did not know whether to call them or just do nothing. He did not want to upset them over what was clearly a lie.

  Both his cell and home phone were ringing.

  Blaze ignored the home phone and answered his cell. “Hello? Leave me alone,” he yelled into the receiver.

  “Who was that?” Livi inquired as she walked out of the bathroom wrapped in a large fluffy towel.

  “That was a reporter,” Blaze announced. “He wanted confirmation on our marriage. The phone’s been ringing off the hook. Can you believe this?”

  Shocked, she uttered, “He wanted what?”

  Blaze eyed her hard. “I don’t know where they got the impression that we’re married, but it’s a ridiculous claim.” His voice was hard. “I’m going to call Ira and have him file a lawsuit. This is so—”

  “Blaze...we need to talk,” she quickly interjected.