Five Star Romance Page 7
Blaze’s eyes bounced around the room, and then settled on her briefly. There was a hint of a secret smile that made Livi’s heart leap.
It warmed Livi to the core because that tiny smile was reserved only for her. It felt as if they were becoming close, but she did not want to assume too much.
Livi had to find the right time to tell him more about their time in Vegas. Deep down, she prayed he would realize that they belonged together.
* * *
The evening of the charity gala arrived.
Livi stood in front of her full-length mirror, eyeing her gown. It featured a ruched bodice and a sweetheart neckline with crystal and pearl beading. The layers and ruffles of organza created a soft flowing skirt that flattered her curves.
She wore her hair slicked back with a side part.
Livi walked over to her jewelry box to search for the perfect earrings. She located the pair she was looking for and returned to the mirror to survey her reflection.
“Nooo...” She felt like crying when one of the earrings broke as she was trying to put it on. “This can’t be happening.”
Blaze was prompt, as usual.
He openly admired Livi as she stood in the center of her living room. “You look stunning,” he told her. His eyes traveled from her head to her feet, looking her over seductively.
She warmed beneath his gaze. It had been some time since any man had looked at her in that way.
“Mr. Alexander, I must say that you look handsome tonight. You wear a tuxedo very well.”
He broke into a grin. “Why thank you, ma’am.”
She pointed to her ear. “I just broke my earring so I need to see if I can find another pair.”
“Wait,” Blaze said. “I wanted to get you something special for tonight.” He pulled out a small black velvet box.
Her brows rose in surprise. “What’s this?”
“Look inside and see.”
Livi peered into the box and broke into a wide grin. “Blaze Alexander, you are my hero. These earrings are perfect.”
The delicate pearl-and-diamond earrings were the ideal accessory for her gown. They even matched her necklace.
Livi moved toward him, impelled involuntarily by her own desire, and kissed him.
The kiss sent the pit of her stomach into a wild swirl.
Livi stepped away from him. “Thank you.”
Blaze watched as she put them on, and then nodded his approval. “When I saw them in the store, I knew they were you.”
Ten minutes later, they took the elevator down to the lobby, and strolled hand in hand through the exit doors.
Blaze led Livi to the waiting limo.
“Did you see the look that woman just gave you?” she asked when they were seated inside.
“What woman?”
“The one who was in the lobby when we came down,” Livi responded. “She looked as if she wanted to eat you alive.”
Blaze threw back his head and laughed.
“You do know that you have that effect on women, don’t you?”
He glanced at her. “What effect?”
“Women find you irresistible, Blaze. Hey, you’re charming, sexy, but there’s not a hint of arrogance about you.”
“I’m just being me.”
“That’s what’s so great about you. You’re a very humble man and that quality makes you even more attractive.”
Blaze gave her a tiny smile. “I don’t want to talk about me. Let’s focus on you tonight.”
Livi shook her head as she laughed. “Oh, no. We’re getting reacquainted. I want to know just as much about you as you want to know about me.”
Blaze escorted her to the ballroom where the charity event was being held.
On this night, celebrities headlined the fiftieth anniversary celebration of the St. Mark Children’s Research Hospital, held at the Beverly Hills Hotel. The star-studded benefit gala was also commemorating what would have been the founder’s one hundredth birthday. Blaze and his family were ardent supporters of St. Mark and had been for years.
“I didn’t know your family would be here,” Livi whispered.
“C’mon,” Blaze said as if sensing her hesitation. “It’s not as if you’re a stranger. You’ve already met my parents and Ari. I’m sure you probably know Sage, too. She practically lives in the boutique.”
Livi grinned. “What are you trying to say about your sister?”
“She loves to shop.”
“I love shopping, too,” Livi whispered.
“It’s an observation, not a complaint,” Blaze said with a smile.
They walked over to the table that had been reserved for the Alexander family.
“Everyone, this is Livi,” Blaze announced.
Barbara embraced her. “Livi, it’s nice to see you. I’m glad you could join us.”
“It’s very nice to finally meet you,” she responded.
“I’ve heard some wonderful things about you and what you’ve done with the boutique. I stopped by there to say hello...I guess it was shortly after you started, but you were out.”
Malcolm acknowledged her by shaking her hand. “You’re the little lady who keeps us in business by finding all those pretty items in the boutique. You have exquisite taste.”
“She does,” Sage interjected. “I love the shoes and purse collections.”
Blaze gave Livi a knowing grin.
Sage introduced Livi to her husband, Ryan.
Just as Blaze pulled out a chair for Livi to sit down, Ari and his wife, Natasha, joined them, followed by Drayden and his date.
Natasha sat on the right side of Livi. “I love your gown,” she said. “Was this at the boutique?”
Livi nodded. “I grabbed it as soon as it came in last week.”
Blaze was seated on Livi’s left. “That’s right. You two worked together when Livi worked for Robert.”
Natasha nodded. “We did briefly. I left to start my own company shortly after Livi came on board, but we became good friends.”
They halted their conversation and turned their attention to the mayor’s wife, one of the co-chairs of the gala, who walked across the stage and stood at the podium. Livi’s gaze slowly traveled the room, taking in all the celebrities and VIPs in attendance. She was here with Blaze Alexander. Livi felt like pinching herself just to make sure she was not dreaming.
“You look deep in thought,” Blaze commented.
“I can’t believe that I’m actually here with you. I know it sounds silly, but it’s true. Blaze, I really appreciate your bringing me here tonight,” Livi told him. “This is such a worthy cause and to be in this room with these people—people who care so much about children—I’m just thrilled to be a part of it.”
“I see I’m not the only one who loves children.”
“Guilty as charged,” Livi responded with a smile.
Blaze and Ari excused themselves to go get drinks.
Natasha leaned over and whispered, “Look at you, Livi. You have got to tell me how you and Blaze got together.”
“It was pretty simple,” Livi responded. “He came into the boutique with Joshua to pick out your birthday present. We started talking and...well, here we are.”
“I hope it develops into something more,” Natasha said. “You two look good together.”
Livi gave Natasha a tiny smile.
* * *
Upon entering the ballroom, Blaze felt as if he and Livi were under the microscope as members of the media scoured the crowd in search of the Hollywood elite and other VIPs attending the charity benefit.
Blaze focused his attention on Livi, who seemed to be thoroughly enjoying herself. He silently observed how she interacted with his family. She seemed nervous when they
first arrived, but her discomfort had quickly dissipated. He knew that his family would receive her warmly.
They dined on breast of chicken Mediterranean served with sautéed artichokes, goat cheese mashed potatoes and herbed Italian vegetables. For dessert, there was mascarpone caramel cake, which Livi turned down.
“I’m stuffed,” she whispered to Blaze.
Blaze agreed as he wiped his mouth with the edge of his napkin.
He smiled politely when someone snapped a picture of him, and then said, “At least they could let me eat in peace.”
Sage chuckled. “I still can’t believe how shy you are when it comes to stuff like this.”
Blaze gave her a narrowed glance. “You know how I feel about being in the public eye, sis. I can’t stand it.”
“You’re the vice president of sales and marketing for the Alexander-DePaul Group, Blaze,” she responded, raising fine, arched eyebrows. “You’d better get used to this because it’s not going to go away.”
“Why do you hate it so much?” Livi asked. “All the attention.”
“I just value my privacy.”
“Have you always been this way?”
“Yes,” he responded.
“I’m the same way,” Livi told him. “I would rather live outside the limelight.”
Blaze decided he was not going to let a little media attention ruin his night with Livi. He placed his hand on top of hers and rubbed it gently.
Livi looked up and met Barbara’s gaze. Blaze’s mom winked and smiled in approval.
At the end of the evening, Blaze escorted Livi out of the hotel. Members of his family walked out with them.
Blaze took Livi up to her condo.
“Thank you for tonight,” Livi said. “I had a wonderful time.”
“Almost feels like old times, huh?”
She nodded. “I still can’t believe that we’ve been able to reconnect after all this time. It doesn’t feel like there’s a two-year gap between the last time we saw each other.”
“It could have been much sooner, Livi.”
“I know,” she murmured. “You’re never going to let me live that down, are you?”
“We wasted almost two years of our lives. Who knows what could have happened if we’d stayed in contact?”
“Blaze, I just didn’t know how to approach you. I knew that the day would come when we would come face-to-face, but...I guess I let time slip away.”
It was too easy to get lost in the way Livi looked at him. Blaze’s heart lurched madly. He cleared his throat, pretending not to be affected.
“I’m glad I found you,” he said in a low voice. “At least now I can see where this is going. I don’t have to wonder about what could have been.”
“What are you saying, Blaze?” Livi asked.
“Isn’t it obvious? I have feelings for you and I’d like to explore those feelings.” He took her face in his hand and held it gently.
“You have haunted my dreams since the moment we met in Vegas,” Blaze told her. He touched his lips to hers, and then gently covered her mouth.
The caress of his lips on Livi’s mouth set her aflame. His moist, firm mouth demanded a response.
She kissed him back.
“Your lips are as sweet as I remembered.”
Livi smiled. “It’s about time you gave me a real kiss.”
His eyebrows rose in surprise. “I didn’t want to rush you into anything.”
She nodded. “I understand and I appreciate that, but—”
His lips recaptured hers, more demanding this time. Sparks of desire ignited in the pit of his stomach.
Although he did not want to leave, Blaze decided that it was best to do so. He kissed her once more before saying, “It’s late. I should be heading home.” Blaze’s desire for Livi was still as strong as ever; even now, he fantasized about ripping the gorgeous gown off that sexy body of hers.
Livi nodded. “I can hear Sybil moving around in her room. I’m sure she’s waiting for you to leave so that she can grill me about our date.”
Although Blaze knew that both he and Livi wanted to make love, it would only complicate and confuse their growing relationship. He turned to leave.
Livi lingered in the doorway as she watched Blaze walk toward the elevator. More than anything, she wanted to call out to him to come back and never leave her side. She was more certain than ever that she wanted Blaze Alexander all to herself.
Chapter 11
From everything Livi had read about Blaze, she knew he was a confirmed bachelor. Although he was still attracted to her, he might not be interested.
Livi was experiencing mixed emotions when it came to Blaze. She now wished for a chance to relive their special time in Vegas. She would not run away, but stay and try to sort out the situation in a mature manner. Sadly, there were no do-overs in life.
Livi got up and made her way to the master bedroom. Inside, she removed her gown and padded barefoot into the bathroom. Livi showered quickly. She slipped on a silky nightgown with a matching robe.
Ten minutes later, there was a soft knock on her bedroom door.
“What took you so long?” she asked with a grin.
“So how did it go tonight?” Sybil wanted to know.
“It was great,” Livi responded. “We had a good time together. His parents were there and they’re both really nice people.”
“I noticed that he was here for a while. I figured I’d be seeing you in the morning.”
“It’s too soon for a physical relationship,” Livi explained. “We’re taking things slow.”
They settled down on her bed to continue their conversation.
“He’s absolutely gorgeous,” Livi stated. “You should have seen him in his tux earlier. I had a hard time keeping my eyes off him. Everything I felt tonight... It was like we haven’t spent one day apart.”
“Sounds to me like you two are meant to be, Livi.”
“I think so, too. But I’m not sure Blaze is looking for a serious relationship.”
“Did he tell you that?”
Livi shook her head no. “Not in so many words. Blaze did say that he wanted to explore where this one is heading, but I’m not exactly sure what that means.”
“If you want Blaze, then you’re going to have to go after him, Livi,” Sybil advised. “If I were you, I wouldn’t let him just walk out of my life. I’m just saying...”
Livi contemplated her friend’s words.
“You do want him, don’t you?” Sybil asked.
She nodded. “I do. I want Blaze in my life. He’s a good man and I’m crazy about him.”
“Then go get your man.”
Livi’s skin prickled with excitement. She was going to do just as Sybil suggested. She was going to win Blaze’s heart.
* * *
It was a constant battle for Blaze to keep his mind off Livi. She had preoccupied his thoughts all night and then again the following day. He had come into the office on Saturday to get some work done, but he hadn’t accomplished much because of his distraction.
The knock on his door drew his thoughts to the present.
“Sage, what are you doing here? I thought you and Ryan were flying to New York today.”
“We’re leaving for the airport in a few,” she responded. “I came here to drop off a packet of information Daddy needs for his meeting on Monday. Ryan and I will be in New York for the next two weeks.”
“Try not to shop too much.”
Sage sent her brother a sharp glare. “Speaking of shopping, when did you pick up Livi Carlyle?”
Blaze chuckled. “I didn’t just pick her up. I’ve gotten to know her pretty well and so I asked her to be my date for the gala.”
“You two look good
together,” Sage told him. “She’s a lovely person.”
“Livi is very sweet,” Blaze responded. “But trust me. I am okay with the way things are between us. I don’t want to rush into anything serious.”
“You know that she likes you.”
He met his sister’s gaze. “You really think so?”
Sage nodded. “And I have a suspicion that you care for Livi just as much.”
“Yes, I care deeply for her,” Blaze confessed. “To be honest, I never expected to have such strong feelings for Livi.”
“Life is short and fleeting, Blaze,” Sage reminded him. “Don’t waste a moment of it.”
“I’ll remember that.”
As soon as Sage left his office, Blaze picked up the telephone.
“Livi, how are you?”
“I’m fine,” she responded. “How are you doing?”
Blaze laughed. “We sound like a couple of high school students, don’t we?”
“Yeah,” Livi agreed.
“You were on my mind, so I thought I’d give you a call.”
“It’s good to hear from you, Blaze. To be honest, I was hoping you would call me.”
“Livi, you know that you could have called me. The telephone works both ways.”
“I thought about it,” she admitted. “I just didn’t want to be pushy.”
“I would never consider you to be a pushy person, Livi.”
“Good,” Blaze murmured. “Now for the reason for my call. We’re giving my dad a surprise birthday party in a couple of weeks. I’d like you to be my date.”
There was a slight pause, and then Livi responded, “Really?”
“Yes,” Blaze said.
“I would love that.”
As soon as he hung up the phone, Blaze began to have second thoughts. Maybe he should not have invited her to such an intimate family event. He hoped it would not send her the wrong message.
* * *
Livi tried on three different gowns in her boutique, but none of them shouted perfect.
“You must be going someplace pretty special,” Martha said. “Are you going with Blaze Alexander?”
Livi nodded. “But we’re just friends.”