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Five Star Romance Page 5

  He glanced at Livi and said, “I’ll see you later.”

  Livi’s friend Amy strolled into the boutique just as Blaze and Joshua were leaving. She glanced over her shoulder. “Was that...”

  Livi nodded. “It was Blaze,” she confirmed.

  Amy followed her into her office and closed the door. “When did all this happen?”

  “What are you talking about?” Livi asked as she sat down at her desk. “He just came in with his nephew to buy a gift.”

  Amy dropped down into one of the chairs facing her. “How long have you two—”

  Livi interrupted her by saying, “We reconnected a few days ago.”

  “And?” Amy prompted with a smile.

  “And nothing,” Livi responded matter-of-factly.

  “I’m shocked.”

  “Why?” Livi asked. “We haven’t seen each other in almost two years. Blaze and I are just getting reacquainted. That’s all.”

  “Who would have imagined that a man you met one night in Vegas would turn out to be none other than Robert DePaul’s grandson?” Amy commented. “How ironic is that?”

  “I never would have imagined it. Amy, I was shocked beyond words when I found out.”

  “You still have feelings for him?”

  Livi nodded. “I do. It’s crazy, but every time we are in the same room, I just feel tingly.” She broke into a short laugh. “I sound like a schoolgirl in love for the first time.”

  Amy laughed. “Yeah, you do. I think it’s pretty sweet.”

  “I wonder if he feels the same way,” Livi said. “Blaze hasn’t said all that much about how he feels about me.”

  “Has he asked you out?”

  Livi shook her head. “He did say that he wanted us to be friends. Maybe that’s all he’s looking for right now.”

  “Is that enough for you?” Amy asked.

  “It’ll have to be,” Livi responded. “This will give us a chance to get to know each other.”

  Amy rose to her feet. “I came by here to see if you wanted to have lunch, but then I got sidetracked when I saw Blaze.”

  “Do you still want to grab lunch?” Livi asked.


  Livi pushed away from her desk and stood up. “Let’s go. I’m starving.”

  * * *

  Blaze enjoyed a nice lunch with Joshua before returning to the hotel where they took the private elevator to Ari’s residence.

  “Can I spend the night with you on Saturday?” Joshua asked.

  “Sure, if it’s all right with your parents. You’re welcome to hang out with me anytime you want.”

  Joshua grinned. “We can eat burgers and play video games.”

  “And read some books and finish that science project that’s due next week,” Blaze responded.


  “Hey, buddy...schoolwork before fun, right?”

  “I guess,” Joshua mumbled.

  When they walked into the penthouse, they found Franklin there with Ari. Franklin was now head of security, but he’d worked as Robert DePaul’s butler. Malcolm and his family decided they had no use for a butler, but with Franklin’s military background, he could oversee the security team for the hotel group.

  “Daddy, I have a gift for Mommy. Uncle B helped me pick it out.” Joshua showed Ari the scarf.

  “Very nice.”

  Franklin prepared to leave the two brothers alone, but Blaze stopped him. “I need to speak with you.”

  Blaze excused himself from Ari and walked with Franklin to the living room so that they could talk in private. He knew that he could trust the man who had once served Robert and now his family.

  “Franklin, I need to ask for a favor.”

  “What is it?”

  “Livi Carlyle. What do you know about her?”

  Franklin’s expression never changed as he settled down in one of the wingchairs. “May I ask why?”

  Blaze sat down on the sofa. He was not sure how to explain it, but decided to be truthful. “A couple of years ago, Livi and I met in Vegas. We spent some time together.”

  “She went to celebrate her birthday with some friends,” Franklin contributed. “I remember because she brought me back a souvenir. She also told me about a young man she met there. Livi never mentioned a name, though.”

  “As you may have already guessed, we recently reconnected. I really like her, Franklin.”

  “She worked for Robert as his assistant, straight out of college. Livi is a nice girl and she comes from a solid family. She’s a hard worker and she’s honest.”

  “That’s exactly what I thought, but I wanted to be sure,” Blaze said. “I just wanted to make sure there were no hidden motives.”

  “I don’t believe you have to worry about that with Livi,” Franklin stated.

  Blaze smiled. “I’m glad to hear it because I like her a lot. I’m thinking about dating her.”

  “I don’t believe you can go wrong with Livi.”

  “Thanks, Franklin. I appreciate your candor.”

  “Livi is not the kind of girl to...she wants a husband and a family,” Franklin said. He rose to his feet.

  “I’ll keep that in mind,” Blaze responded.

  * * *

  At home, Blaze picked up the phone and dialed Livi’s number. “Hey, it’s me,” he said when she answered on the third ring.

  “Hey you,” Livi responded.

  “Are you busy?”

  “No, I was just sitting here trying to decide what I wanted to do about dinner.”

  “I haven’t eaten, so why don’t we pick a restaurant and have a meal together?” Blaze suggested.

  “Sounds great to me,” Livi responded. “What type of food are you in the mood for?”

  “How about Mexican? There’s this great little place right here on Wilshire. It’s called La Parrilla.”

  “I’ve heard of it,” she said. “I know exactly where it is. I’ll meet you there.”

  “Does seven o’clock work for you?” he asked.

  “Yes. I’ll see you then.”

  He hung up the phone and headed straight to the shower.

  Thirty minutes later, he got to the restaurant.

  Livi had just arrived when he pulled into the parking lot. Blaze parked beside her and got out.

  They stood in silence for a moment.

  “I really wanted to see you,” Blaze said. His feelings for Livi had nothing to do with reason. Her gaze wrapped around him like a warm blanket.

  “Same here,” Livi responded with a tender smile.

  He took her by the hand and led her into the restaurant. They were both smiling.

  Blaze pulled out a chair for Livi, and then took the seat across from her.

  “Have you eaten here before?” she asked him.

  “A couple of times. I’ve liked everything I’ve tried.”

  Livi picked up the menu, scanning it slowly. “I’m going to have the shrimp fajitas.”

  “I think I’ll have the same thing,” Blaze announced.

  The waiter arrived with glasses of water, chips and salsa.

  Blaze gave their orders and he disappeared as quickly as he had come.

  “You look the same,” he told Livi. “You’re still as beautiful as ever.”

  “Thank you for the compliment. I’ll take it.”

  “What made you decide to cut your hair?”

  “I wanted to do something different,” Livi responded. “You don’t like it short?”

  “Actually, I do,” Blaze said. “I’m not a hair fanatic. As long as it looks good, I’m okay with it long, short or whatever.” He paused a moment before continuing, “I have this event coming up and I’d like for you to b
e my date to the St. Mark Charity Gala.”

  “What do you think people will say when I’m seen with you?” Livi wanted to know.

  “The focus is more on my dad and Ari during these types of events,” Blaze answered. “I don’t think we have anything to worry about.”

  “Blaze, are you sure about this?” Livi was worried that the media would suddenly take an interest in their friendship.

  He nodded. “Yes. I want you to be my date for the gala.”

  “I can’t believe that I’m actually considering this,” Livi said after a slight pause.

  “I want to get to know you better...”

  “Blaze, I’m not sure this is such a good idea,” she said. “I think people are more inclined to ask questions if I just show up at the gala with you out of the blue.”

  He considered that, and then said, “I still want you to be my date for the gala, but I understand what you’re saying. You don’t have to worry. I don’t have any secrets for anyone to uncover. We are two friends attending a charity event together.

  “It would give us a chance to get to know one another,” Blaze said. “Are you okay with getting to know the real me?”

  Livi nodded. “Actually, I’d like that.”

  Blaze smiled. “Then it’s settled. You’re my date for the charity event.”

  The waiter returned with their food.

  “How did Natasha like Joshua’s gift?” Livi asked.

  “She loved it. I think mostly because it was from him. Joshua is a great little kid.”

  “You sound like a proud uncle.” She wiped her mouth on the cloth napkin.

  “That’s because I am,” he confirmed.

  Blaze took a sip of his water. “I am going to be the uncle who spoils his nieces and nephews like crazy.”

  “Do you want children one day?”

  “I think it would be pretty cool to be a dad, but...I don’t know if it’s in the cards for me. I already told you some of the stuff I did. That stuff haunts you.”

  Livi settled back in her chair. “Blaze, you were a typical teenage boy. I don’t think you should be so hard on yourself. If anything, your experiences will probably shape the type of father you will be.”

  “I don’t know what I’d do if a child of mine started running around with the wrong crowd and got into trouble. I’d probably respond the same way my dad did. When I got arrested, he made me stay in jail for the night.” Blaze gave a tiny smile. “That was enough for me to realize that that is a place I never want to see again.”

  “He did the right thing by letting you stay in jail,” Livi stated. “I would have done the same thing.”

  Blaze agreed. “What about you? Do you want to be a mother?”

  Livi nodded. “I’m looking forward to motherhood.” She paused for a moment and then said, “We never imagined our meeting turning out like this.”

  Blaze agreed, “It’s kind of surreal.”

  “I admire the way you and your family have held up during all of Harold’s manipulations. I’ve known him a long time, but I was surprised by some of what I’d heard he was doing. He used to be a pretty decent guy.”

  “I just want him to leave my family alone. As long as he stays out of our affairs, we’re cool.”

  After dinner, Blaze walked Livi out to her car. “Thank you for having dinner with me.”

  “It was my pleasure,” she murmured.

  He planted a kiss on her lips the same way as before.

  Livi swallowed her disappointment at the chaste kiss Blaze gave her. Even in remembrance, she felt the intimacy of the way he used to kiss her.

  Blaze was just as disappointed. He wanted to kiss her deeply, but held back because he thought it might be too soon. He wanted to take their relationship one day at a time.

  Chapter 8

  Livi exhaled a long sigh of contentment as she settled down on her sofa.

  “I guess dinner with Blaze went pretty well,” Sybil said, as she stood in the doorway leading from the living room to the dining room.

  “We had a lovely time,” Livi said with a grin. “It reminded me of our time in Vegas.”

  Sybil joined her on the sofa. “I’m glad to see you so happy.”

  “Blaze asked me out on a date,” Livi announced.

  “That’s great.”

  “We’re going to the St. Mark charity event.”

  “I guess we need to get busy shopping for your gown.”

  Livi nodded. “It has to be perfect.”

  “It will be,” Sybil responded with a smile. “My relationship is crappy right now, but we are going to make sure you get your man.”

  Livi’s smile disappeared. “So things aren’t any better?”

  Sybil shook her head. “He is still lying about cheating, but I have proof. Cell phone records don’t lie.”

  “I’m so sorry.”

  “We’re not focusing on me right now. Livi, the first time I saw Blaze, I just knew that he was the man for you. I want you to be happy.”

  Livi hugged her friend. “I want the same for you.”

  “My time will come,” Sybil said. “I’m not worried about me.”

  “What did you do for dinner?” Livi inquired.

  “Amy and I grabbed a meal.”

  “Good,” Livi said. “I’m glad to see that you’re getting your appetite back.” She was worried about Sybil because she had not been eating much since her breakup with Todd.

  “I’ve got to go on with my life and that’s what I intend to do.” Sybil stood up and then reached down to pull up Livi. “C’mon, let’s get on the computer and see what we can find for you to wear to the charity gala.”

  It touched her that Sybil put aside her personal angst to help her find the perfect dress for her date with Blaze. She made a mental note to set up a day of pampering for Sybil at the hotel.

  * * *

  “How are things going?” Natasha asked Livi when she entered the boutique the following day.

  “Great,” Livi responded as the two women embraced.

  “I’m so glad you’re back in Los Angeles.”

  Livi smiled. “It’s really good to be back. Hey, I saw Joshua the other day and I can’t believe how big he’s gotten.”

  Lowering her voice, Natasha said, “He’s also going to be a big brother. I’m going to have another baby.”

  The two women embraced a second time.

  “I’m so happy for you.”

  They walked back to Livi’s office and sat down to catch up.

  “So when I saw you in San Francisco two years ago, you acted as if you could hardly stand Ari. What changed?”

  “From the moment I met Ari, I admired his work ethic and his determination. But the more I got to know him on a personal level, the more I fell in love with him.”

  “I’ve heard that he and his father are a lot like Robert,” Livi said.

  Natasha nodded. “They share many of Robert’s qualities. I suppose it’s in their blood. You know Robert has been in the hotel business since he was old enough to carry luggage. Malcolm has pretty much the same background. His family has managed a couple of hotels in Georgia for several generations. Robert met Malcolm’s mother when he opened the hotel in Wilmington, North Carolina. She worked there as a housekeeper.”

  “Robert never shared that part of his life with me,” Livi said. “I always felt that he was harboring regret over something, but I had no idea what it could be.”

  “I wished that he could have gotten to know Ari and my father-in-law. Robert talked a lot about Malcolm’s mother during the last few months of his life. Letting her leave with his child was the hardest decision he had ever made, according to Robert.”

  “It sounds as if he really loved her.”

sp; Natasha nodded. “He did, Livi. Robert went to the hospital to see her right before she died. He flew to be by her side as soon as he heard she was sick.”


  “Yes. Robert even went to the cemetery to say his final farewell. He waited until her family left, though. He loved her until the very end.”

  “Maybe they are finally together,” Livi murmured. “I’d like to believe that a love like that can survive anything, even death.”

  Natasha broke into a grin. “You have always been a romantic, Livi.”

  “I believe in love...what can I say?”

  “So have you met anyone special?” Natasha inquired.

  Livi shook her head no. “I haven’t really been looking. Work has kept me pretty busy.” She wasn’t sure that she should mention that she and Blaze had a past, so Livi kept quiet.

  “I have a couple of single brothers-in-law,” she said with a smile. “I could introduce you. I think you and Drayden would make a cute couple.”

  She shook her head no. “Definitely not, Natasha.”

  Frowning, Natasha asked, “Why not? What’s wrong with Drayden?”

  “I’m sure he’s okay, but he’s not my type.”

  Natasha gave her a knowing grin. “Oh, I see. Blaze is more your type.”

  Livi did not respond.

  Natasha chuckled. “I’m right.”

  “It doesn’t matter,” Livi stated. “I’m sure Blaze will find the woman of his dreams on his own. He seems to be a very capable man.”

  Natasha backed off. “Okay, I won’t try to set you up with one of my brothers-in-law.”

  “Thank you, Natasha. If I’m supposed to be with an Alexander man, I want him to come looking for me.”

  Their conversation came to a halt when William DePaul knocked on the open door.

  Livi rose to her feet and walked over to embrace the man. He seemed older than he was because he had been plagued by heart attacks and a stroke. “How are you?” she asked.

  “I’m doing fine.”

  William DePaul, Harold’s brother, retired shortly after his uncle died. William often came to the hotel for lunch or dinner. He and Malcolm seemed to get along well and kept in constant contact.

  He and Natasha talked for a moment before she left the boutique.