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Five Star Romance Page 16

  “The Moore Group made me a phenomenal job offer and I just couldn’t pass it up. I’m glad my parents are not upset about my defecting.”

  “Hey, pretty lady,” Kellen said as he joined them.

  Malcolm and Barbara were inside the house when they entered, followed by Zaire and Kellen.

  Barbara embraced her first, and then Malcolm.

  Blaze wasn’t sure what he was going to say to Livi in front of his family, but he knew that it was time for him to make a move.

  He embraced Livi, holding her tight.

  Blaze inhaled deeply, sucking in the light floral scent of her perfume. “I brought you here because I’ve had a lot of time to think about our relationship and where we’re going with it.”

  Livi nodded. “I figured as much.”

  He led her over to the sofa in the living room. They sat down side by side.

  “I want you to know that I love you with my whole heart.”

  Her eyes grew wet with unshed tears. “Blaze, I love you, too, but...”

  He put a finger to her lips.

  “Livi, can you look me straight in my face and tell me that what we have shared is not worth fighting for? After all that we’ve been through?”

  “At one time, I thought we had something, Blaze,” she responded. “Then I realized that you were not ready to be a husband. I do believe that you care for me, but I also feel that you don’t want to be tied down. I want to get married, Blaze. I want to have a family.”

  “Livi, I don’t want to lose you,” Blaze said. “And that’s what this weekend is all about. I’m going to prove it to you.”

  He kissed her.

  “What we have is worth fighting for,” he whispered.

  “I don’t know,” she responded softly. “Blaze, I’m tired. I can’t deal with the ups and downs that come with loving you. One minute we’re good and then things get crazy. I agreed to this weekend because I want to see if we have a chance at working things out, but I have to be honest. I don’t think we can because we don’t want the same things.”

  “Honey, that’s what being in a relationship is all about.”

  She met his gaze. “Blaze, you know that I love you. This is why it hurts so much. I thought I was married to the man of my dreams, but as it turns out, I wasn’t. Finding out that our marriage wasn’t real...that was the end.”

  “It’s going to change, I promise you. Starting right now.”

  Blaze pulled out a tiny velvet box. “Livi, will you do me the honor of being my wife in every sense of the word?”

  She gasped in surprise.

  Livi’s eyes bounced around the room. Barbara was smiling. Zaire had tears in her eyes, while Kellen and Malcolm stood there with grins on their faces.

  Blaze had chosen a diamond-encrusted wedding band in platinum. “I just want you to know that I’m truly sorry for the pain I caused you. I would rather cut off my own hand before I ever hurt you again.”

  Livi wiped away her tears. “You really know how to surprise a girl.”

  “You still have not answered my question,” he responded. “Will you marry me tomorrow evening at sunset?”

  Livi gasped in surprise. “Tomorrow?”

  Blaze nodded.

  She gazed into his eyes and saw the love reflected there. He loved her and he wanted to marry her all over again. “You really want this?”

  “More than anything else in the world,” Blaze responded with a grin. “I can’t see my life without you in it.”

  Livi glanced down at the ring he was about to place on her finger. “Blaze, I would be honored to marry you tomorrow at sunset.”

  Zaire squealed and began jumping up and down.

  Kellen pulled out his cell phone and called Ari. “She said yes. Tell the rest of the clan that we’re having a wedding tomorrow.”

  Livi laughed. “When did you plan all this?”

  Blaze glanced over at his mother. “She’s the one who pulled everything together.”

  Franklin entered the room carrying a bottle of champagne. “I hear we’re having a wedding this weekend.”

  Livi hugged him. “Yes, we are.”

  Barbara prepared a celebratory lunch for them.

  Afterward, Blaze and Livi walked down to one of the villas. “We’re staying in a guesthouse because I wanted some alone time with my wife-to-be.”

  Livi was giddy with happiness.

  Exchanging their vows before friends and family would be a wonderful way to begin their life truly as husband and wife. Livi no longer had any doubts about Blaze. She was free to love him with her whole heart.

  Inside the villa, they sat down to talk.

  Blaze kissed her instead.

  Livi responded by kissing him back passionately. Desire ignited in the pit of her belly, the flames growing.

  Blaze struggled against the urge to take Livi into the bedroom and make love to her. He wanted to wait until their wedding night, and had not planned to stay in the villa with her until after the ceremony.

  She must have sensed his withdrawal, because Livi moved away from him. “Blaze, is something wrong?”

  He shook his head no. “I want to wait until after we exchange vows before making love to you. Zaire is going to stay with you in the villa tonight.”

  She laughed. “I was actually thinking the same thing. I wanted to wait until we had the wedding.”

  “You have made me a very happy man,” Blaze told Livi. “This time it’s forever.”

  Livi agreed. “I just don’t want any shadows lingering across our hearts. If you have any, then we do not need to go through with another wedding.”

  “My heart is clear,” he responded. “I am certain that I want to spend the rest of my life with you and I want you to be the mother of my children.”

  Livi broke into a grin. “Babies.”

  “Yeah...lots of babies.”

  “How many?” she wanted to know.

  “As many as we want.”

  * * *

  Zaire threw an impromptu bridal shower for Livi. They sat around in the living room of the villa, eating and playing shower games. Livi had never laughed so hard. Her sides were hurting. The Alexander women certainly knew how to let their hair down.

  “Okay, ladies, it’s time for the gifts,” Zaire announced. “Now, as you know, this is a lingerie shower, so I hope y’all didn’t come here with some towels or a toaster.”

  Sybil thrust a gift-wrapped package toward Livi. “Open mine first.”

  “When did you have time to buy a gift? Did you know what Blaze had planned?”

  She nodded with a smile. “He called us to let us know.”

  Livi opened her gift and gasped. “Only you would buy me something like this.” She held up the barely there teddy. “This looks like it might hurt in all the wrong places.”

  Zaire took it from her and said, “Hey, if you’re not going to use it...”

  Behind them, Barbara cleared her throat loudly.

  “Mama, please tell me you didn’t hear that,” Zaire said, embarrassed.

  Barbara smiled warmly and responded, “Oh, I have a couple of those in my dresser.”

  Sage almost choked on her lemonade. “Mama...I really did not need to know that.”

  Livi cracked up with laughter.

  They spent the rest of the evening laughing and talking about the ups and downs of marriage. Zaire, on the other hand, talked about being single but looking forward to finding a husband.

  Natasha could not keep her eyes open, so she stretched out on the sofa and fell asleep while the others watched a movie.

  Ari came down to get her, but did not wake her. He planted a kiss on her cheek and left.

  Sage stayed, as well. She called Ryan to
let him know they were having a slumber party.

  Barbara rode back to the house with Ari.

  “I can’t believe this is really happening,” Livi confided to Sybil. “I had no idea that Blaze was going to propose. He completely surprised me.”

  “I’m so glad you and Blaze have decided to make it official. I also always thought he was the one for you.”

  “So did I,” Livi said. “I felt that we were meant to be together.”

  She picked up a pillow and held it close to her. “I never imagined that I could be so excited about marrying a man I thought I was already married to—it’s crazy.”

  “It’s just that you two are finally on the same page,” Amy interjected.

  “It certainly took us long enough.”

  Chapter 25

  While the women were all down at the villa with Livi, Blaze and his brothers sat out on the patio talking.

  “Blaze, I have to tell you that I never, ever thought you would be getting married,” Kellen announced. “I figured you would be the last of us getting hitched, if ever.”

  Ari laughed. “I’m with you, Kell. I never thought he’d turn in his player card, either.”

  Blaze laughed. “Hey, when you meet that certain someone, things change.”

  Ari and Ryan agreed.

  “I never thought any woman could mean so much to a man. I felt as if I couldn’t breathe when she told me that she wanted to move out.”

  Kellen chuckled. “She had my brother all choked up. I called to check on him, and Blaze couldn’t talk. Sounded to me like he’d been crying.”

  “I wouldn’t say that,” Blaze said. “But I was hurt by the breakup.”

  “Oh, I would,” Ari interjected. “Man, you were all broke down. You couldn’t eat or sleep.”

  “The way you were when you thought you’d lost Natasha,” Blaze countered.

  Ari pointed at Ryan. “I know you’re not laughing. Before you left for New York, I thought we were going to have to put you out of your misery. You were one sad puppy.”

  Ryan nodded in agreement. “I don’t know how we let these women get under our skin like that. They can wound a brotha deeply.”

  They all nodded in agreement.

  “But they love just as deeply,” Ari said.

  Blaze agreed. “Livi is something else when you cross her, but it’s one of the things I love about her.”

  “I can say the same thing about Sage. One minute she’s ready to bite my head off, but she is just as passionate in everything she does.”

  “I wasn’t sure where you were going with that,” Kellen said. “Some things I don’t need to know about my sister.”

  They laughed.

  “What do you think they’re doing?” Ryan inquired.

  “My wife is sleeping,” Ari stated. “The others were sitting around watching a movie.”

  Blaze released a long sigh. “I can’t wait until tomorrow evening. I miss Livi.”

  Kellen put a finger to his lips. “’re about to lose your man card. Don’t ever say that again and particularly with such feeling.”

  Everyone laughed.

  “Kellen, you just wait. Some girl is going to have you groveling at her feet. Trust me.”

  He shook his head no. “Not me. I’m way too cool for that.”

  “I used to say the same thing,” Blaze replied. “I’m telling you, when you meet the right one, things change. You change.”

  “Man, you need to go on down to the villa with the girls,” Kellen said with a grin. “You don’t even sound like my brother.”

  * * *

  “What’s going on?” Livi asked Blaze the next morning when she went up to the main house. “Where is everybody?”

  “Checking on our wedding plans.”

  “I need to run out and find something to wear,” Livi announced. “It just hit me this morning that we are actually getting married in a few hours.”

  “Everything’s been arranged,” he assured her. “Our clothing, the wedding ceremony, the dinner after and even our honeymoon. I don’t want you worrying about anything.”

  “Your mother did all this in such a short time. That’s incredible.”

  “She had the help of a wedding planner.”

  “How did you know I was going to agree to this?”

  He stared in her eyes. “Because you love me as much as I love you. We both want the same thing and that’s to be together.”

  Blaze pulled her into his arms, kissing her.

  “Enough of that,” Sage said as she and Ryan walked into the room. “We have a lot to do before the wedding. First, we need to make sure your dress fits. Martha is at the boutique and she’s expecting us. I had it delivered to her.”

  “Who picked it out?” Livi asked.

  “I did,” Sage answered. “I’m pretty sure you’re going to love it. It’s absolutely beautiful.”

  “After we pick up your dress, we will meet Mom and the others at the spa,” Sage announced. “Blaze and the men will be doing whatever they need to do for the wedding.”

  “This is really happening,” Livi murmured softly.

  Blaze planted a kiss on her forehead. “I’ll see you at sunset. I’ll be the man standing with the pastor beneath the arches.”

  “I’ll see you there,” she said with a grin.

  Livi had not been able to see the setup for their ceremony because Blaze wanted to surprise her with every aspect of their wedding. He did tell Livi that they were writing their own vows, however.

  She enjoyed the creativity Blaze employed to make their wedding memorable. Filled with anticipation, Livi was looking forward to the evening.

  * * *

  Shortly before sunset, the Alexander family and their invited guests gathered on the beach.

  A Balinese-style umbrella had been fashioned at the entrance of the walkway that led down to the beach. There was a bamboo arch decorated with flowing drapes of silk and organza in vibrant oranges and reds. Floral arrangements of calla lilies adorned the makeshift altar. Tiki torches accented with organza ties, silk ferns, flowers and sea grass decorated the aisle. Three classical musicians played romantic selections as they waited for the arrival of the bride.

  * * *

  Wearing a fitted white lace gown with a red-and-orange taffeta sash that also served as the train, Livi stood in the middle of the bedroom. Amy secured her headpiece made of pearls, charms and rhinestones, which had both a vintage and ultramodern feel. Livi wore her short, curly hair slicked back.

  “I just went down to the beach and everything looks great,” Zaire announced. “My brother really did a good job. I noticed some news helicopters flying overhead. I’m sure we have a few uninvited guests lurking somewhere.”

  “I’m not going to let them ruin this day for me,” Livi said with a shrug of nonchalance. “I don’t care what they report.”

  Livi checked her watch. “It’s almost time for the ceremony to begin. We need to head down.”

  Zaire left the room, leaving Livi alone with her best friends.

  “I never thought this day would come,” she told Sybil. “Blaze and I are getting married...well, getting married officially. I don’t think either one of us remembers what we said the first time around.”

  “This one will be more meaningful for you both,” Amy commented. “I’m so happy for you.”

  Livi agreed.

  “You look beautiful.”

  “So do you, Sybil.” Livi picked up her bouquet of calla lilies. “Everything is perfect...well, almost. I just wish my parents could be here. This will be the second wedding I’ve had that they have missed.”

  “You weren’t able to reach them?”

  Livi shook her head no. “It’s not like them not to
return my calls. I guess my dad must have had a game today and Mom went with him.”

  “C’mon, Livi,” Amy told her. “Time to walk into your future with the man you love.”

  They left the bedroom.

  Livi gasped in surprise when she saw her parents standing at the foot of the stairs.

  Her eyes filled with tears of happiness. “What are you two doing here? I kept trying to call you.”

  “Blaze called us last night and told us about the wedding,” her father said. “They sent the corporate jet for us, so that we could be here.”

  Livi’s mother pulled out a tissue and dabbed at her daughter’s eyes. “Don’t ruin your makeup, sweetie.” In a low voice, she whispered, “These people have a lot of class. I think we are going to be one big happy family.”

  The two women embraced. “I’m so glad you and Daddy are here. Now my day is absolutely perfect.”

  Outside the house, Kellen was waiting to escort her mother down to the beach and to her seat.

  Livi and her father followed behind Amy and Sybil, her maids of honor.

  Zaire was right. Blaze had done a great job making sure that her tastes were reflected in their wedding, such as her favorite colors, which were red and orange with undertones of eggplant and deep plum. Livi described the palette as the colors of sunset.

  Livi’s father kissed her cheek before escorting her down to the altar.

  He placed her hand in Blaze’s hand and said, “I expect you to take good care of my daughter.”

  Blaze said his vows first. “Livi, I take you to be my wife. I want you to know that I will always cherish you and your love. I will never take you for granted. I will trust and respect you, be faithful to you and love you until the end of my life. Even then, I will love you throughout eternity. I give you my heart, and my love, from this day forward for as long as we both shall live.”

  Livi smiled through her tears. “The vows we made the first time around were beautiful, but they do not come close to what you just said. Blaze, I love you. I want you to be my best friend, my lover and the father of my children. We have waited two long years to get to this moment, and I want you to know that I am looking forward to growing old with you. I promise to love and cherish you through whatever life may bring us. These things I give to you today, and all the days of our life.”