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Five Star Romance Page 13

  Turning in his arms, Livi lifted her mouth to him, kissing him softly. Unnamable sensations ran through her as Blaze’s hands traveled down her body. She felt the heat from their closeness and the core of her began to burn with his touch.

  Blaze gently grasped Livi’s hand, his fingers fondling its smoothness. When she looked up at him, her gaze sent currents through him. “Being together like this feels so right.”

  Livi agreed as her emotions whirled.

  Later, she and Blaze lay in bed with damp tangled sheets draped around them.

  Chapter 19

  The next day, Blaze and Livi drove to Pacific Palisades for a day of fun and grilling outside. With everyone seated around the Olympic-size pool, the conversation turned to basketball.

  Livi proved that she was a perfect fit for the Alexander family when she stepped out on the basketball court with Natasha and Zaire. Blaze sat with Ari and the rest of his brothers to watch the women play.

  “Go, Mommy,” Joshua yelled.

  “Livi has some skills,” Ari said.

  Blaze agreed. “Yeah, she does. Hey, should Natasha be out on the court like that?” He was worried about the fact that she was pregnant.

  “She’s holding back,” Ari said. “Natasha says the doctor encourages exercise. I’m not sure he meant basketball, however.”

  Almost as if she’d heard them, Natasha walked off the court. “That’s it for me.”

  Both Ari and Blaze released a sigh of relief.

  Later, it was the men’s turn to play.

  Livi cheered for her husband. “Hey, how can you miss that, sweetie? C’mon, Blaze...”

  Natasha laughed. “I have a feeling that Ari and I are both going to need to soak in the tub tonight. No more basketball for me until after I have this baby.”

  “I know what you mean,” Livi said. “My body is so sore.”

  She was blissfully happy and the more time she spent with Blaze’s family, the more she felt like a part of the family.

  That evening, as she and Blaze lay in bed snuggling, Livi asked, “Have you heard anything from Ira?”

  He nodded.

  Livi sat up in bed. “What did he say?”

  Blaze looked up at her and said, “The man who married us did not have a license to do so.”

  She felt as if a bucket of cold water had been splashed all over her.

  He sat up and pulled her into his arms, kissing her.

  A brief shiver rippled through Livi. She buried her face against the corded muscles of his chest. She had no desire to back out of his embrace. “I can’t believe this. You’re not really my husband.” She started to cry.

  He gazed down at her with tenderness. “It’s only a piece of paper, honey. It doesn’t change the way I feel about you. Nothing has to change.”

  Parting her lips, Livi raised herself to meet his kiss.

  His lips pressed against hers, and then gently covered her mouth.

  The kiss sent the pit of Livi’s stomach into a wild swirl.

  Blaze showered her with kisses around her lips and along her jaw. As he roused her passion, his own grew stronger.

  They made love slowly at first, the rhythm gradually building to a frenzied pace. In bed, Blaze and Livi were truly united. They were one.

  * * *

  Ari and Blaze took the elevator to the executive suite at the Alexander DePaul Hotel in San Diego. They had driven down for a meeting and to tour the newest hotel in their chain. It was similar to the one in Beverly Hills but on a smaller scale.

  Blaze noted the tastefully painted walls with a warm walnut trim, accompanied by a spectacular view of a lush botanical garden. “This décor is similar to the hotel in Phoenix,” he said.

  Ari agreed.

  They sat down in one of the richly appointed conference rooms and waited for the others to arrive. Blaze openly admired the artwork displayed on gleaming, wood-paneled walls. He glanced up at the two enormous crystal chandeliers hanging above the table.

  “I know these had to have cost a pretty penny,” he said.

  Ari followed his gaze and responded. “Oh, yeah...”

  “I like the velvet drapes in here. They go well with the décor and the furnishings,” he said. “I’ve given Livi the okay to make some changes to our place, so we’ve been watching a lot of HGTV.”

  Ari laughed. “Same here. Natasha is looking for inspiration for the nursery. I told her to just hire an interior decorator, but she wants it to be a family project.”

  Blaze eyed the appetizing presentation of delicacies for them to enjoy during their meeting.

  “I don’t know which one I like better,” Blaze said. “This one or the property in Phoenix.”

  “My favorite is probably the one in Dallas.”

  “It’s really nice,” Blaze said. His eyes traveled the room, pausing briefly on the fifty-inch plasma TV. “I just bought one of those.”

  They continued to make small talk as they waited for the general manager and other members of the management team to arrive.

  “The new campaign has been very successful...” Daniel Ewing, the general manager stated. “Our reports indicate a 13.5 percent surge in total room reservations sold in the three-month period from May to July. This is one of the best performances for some time, with occupancy levels the highest in five years.”

  Blaze scanned the information in front of him, but he could hardly focus. His mind was on Livi. He had only been gone a day and he found that he already missed her. These feelings were new to him.

  He forced his attention back to the conversation at hand.

  Ari was going over a laundry list of items that must have come from their father, Blaze surmised.

  At the end of the day, Ari and Blaze hung out together in Ari’s suite.

  “Have you and Natasha found out the sex of the baby?”

  Ari shook his head no. “We want to be surprised. I think Ryan and Sage plan on finding out the sex of their baby, though.”

  “I would want to know,” Blaze stated.

  “Are you and Livi planning to start a family soon?”

  “No, we’re definitely not there yet.”

  Ari met his gaze. “Why would you say it like that? I thought things were great between the two of you.”

  “Things are good,” Blaze acknowledged. “But we’re not ready to bring a child into the relationship.”

  “Does Livi feel the same way you do?” Ari inquired. “Because I think she’s ready to start a family. I overheard her and Natasha talking the other day.”

  Blaze put down his fork. “We haven’t really talked about it. We’re still trying to see if our marriage is viable.”

  Ari frowned. “I thought you two wanted to be together.”

  “That’s what we’re working toward.”

  “Blaze, do you love Livi?”


  Ari nodded.

  “I don’t know if I would call it love. I care for her and I enjoy being with her.”

  His brother gave him a disapproving look. “Livi doesn’t deserve to be hurt.”

  “I know that,” Blaze stated. “I don’t intend to hurt her. I’m being the best husband I can be to her.”

  “But you don’t love her.”

  “Maybe I will grow to love her.”

  Ari shook his head. “I don’t know, bro. Maybe it was better to have gotten the annulment. If you don’t handle this the right way, you’re going to lose the best thing to ever happen to you.”

  “I know that in my head, but try telling that to my heart.”

  “She’s a gorgeous woman. She’s not going to sit around and wait for you forever.”

  Blaze did not respond.

  * * *

was late when Blaze got home. He found Livi sound asleep in their bedroom. He watched her for a moment before easing out of his clothes and climbing into bed with her. She had this tiny little smile tugging at her lips even as she slumbered.

  Blaze kissed her lightly on the cheek.

  Livi stirred but did not wake up.

  He kissed her on her forehead and nuzzled her ear.

  She stirred once more, this time moaning softly.

  He lay down and placed a protective arm across Livi’s waist, loving the way her body felt against his own.

  They were a perfect fit.

  His body responded to the silky feel of her skin against his.

  Unconsciously, Livi snuggled against him, igniting a wave of desire within him.

  Blaze tried to recall if he had ever been as happy as he was now. She turned in his arms, forcing his thoughts to the back of his mind.

  He planted tiny kisses along her cheek and her neck to wake her up.

  Livi moaned softly.

  He continued his slow seduction.

  Her passion aroused, Livi opened her eyes.

  They soon connected in a sensual dance that lovers do, the union setting off fireworks that they both experienced.

  Afterward, Blaze continued to hold her close as they slept, satiated from the fulfillment of desire.

  She reached over and took his hand in hers. “I love you.”

  Her words were met with silence.

  Chapter 20

  Humming softly, Livi admired her new office in the corporate headquarters of the Alexander-DePaul Group. Her office was on the opposite end of the hall from Blaze’s. It was not as large as his, but was decorated just as richly in mahogany tones. The paint on her walls was a soft dove-gray color.

  She had come in over the weekend to hang pictures and add accessories that reflected her personal taste. This was a great job opportunity and Livi was thrilled. She knew there were those who believed she was given the job because she was married to Blaze, but Livi had her own professional standards to meet.

  She sat down at her new desk. The first thing on her agenda was to check her email. Livi was expecting an email from a vendor with the new price list for the upcoming holiday season.

  Blaze strode into her office with purpose. “I see that you’re all settled in.”

  Livi broke into a smile. “I am.”

  “Good. If you’re not too busy, I’d like to have lunch with my wife later this afternoon.”

  “I’m never too busy for you, Blaze.”

  He sat down in one of the visitor chairs facing her. “Sage and Ryan are supposed to find out the sex of the baby in a couple of weeks. I have never seen two people more excited.”

  “Having a baby is a joyous occasion.”

  Blaze met her gaze. “You do know that we’re not ready for something like that?”

  Livi’s smile disappeared. “How would I know that? We haven’t discussed having children.”

  “We’re not ready to have a family. Our focus is on building a solid foundation for our marriage.”

  Livi pushed away from her desk and rose to her feet. She walked over to the window and stared out. “You do want children eventually, right?”

  “Yes, I’d like to have a family, but not any time soon.”

  Livi chewed on her bottom lip.

  “I guess this is a discussion we should have had earlier.”

  She turned around to face him and said, “That would have been nice.”

  “I haven’t ruled out having a family, Livi. I just want our marriage on solid ground and right now it is still too fragile. I do not want my child raised in a broken home.”

  “Neither do I,” Livi stated. “We will table the baby discussion until we decide when we are going to get married.”

  She thought she detected a flicker of something in Blaze’s eyes, but she could not identify it.

  When he left her office, Livi sat down at her desk and tried to focus on work, but every now and then, her mind drifted back to Blaze and their earlier conversation. It left her feeling uneasy, although she could not figure out why.

  Her day was busy, but Livi had no problem keeping up with the pace. She had her new assistant order lunch for her from a nearby deli.

  When the food arrived, Livi ate while she worked.

  Livi stayed as busy as she could because she did not want to acknowledge the uneasy feeling that had been brought on by her conversation with Blaze. I know he cares about me, but does he love me? I don’t know. Things had been great between them and Livi had smoothly settled into her role as his “wife.”

  Livi did not want to think about this right now. She just wanted to focus on work.

  A few minutes later, Blaze appeared in the doorway of her office. “Hey, I thought we were supposed to have lunch together.” His gaze was as soft as a caress.

  Livi was surprised. “I totally forgot. I just had something to eat while I worked on the orders for the holiday season. Do you mind if we reschedule?”

  He grinned. “You’ve been in the office one day and you’re already rescheduling our lunch date.”

  “I’m sorry.”

  Blaze walked all the way into her office and said, “Honey, what’s really going on? You look troubled about something.”

  She looked up, meeting his gaze. “I’m fine. It’s just been a really busy day.”

  “Okay,” he said, backing off.

  She forced a smile. “Thanks.”

  Blaze stood there watching her.

  Livi thought she detected a flicker in his intense eyes, sending her pulse racing alarmingly.

  She loved Blaze beyond reason, but feared he did not feel the same way about her.

  Livi gave herself a mental shake.

  Surely, Blaze would not have wanted to stay married to her if he did not feel something for her. Not to mention that they were great together in and out of bed.

  I’m worrying too much.

  Livi silently chided herself for her insecurities.

  They had agreed to take their relationship one day at a time, so she would just have to be patient with Blaze.

  * * *

  Saturday morning, Blaze and Livi drove to Pacific Palisades for another one of the Alexander family cookouts.

  “What’s on your mind, Livi?” he asked during the drive. “You’re not your usual talkative self.”

  She glanced over at him. “It’s nothing, really.”

  “Is it your new position?”

  Livi smiled. “Partly. I’m making some headway, though.”

  Blaze reached over and took her by the hand. “Let me know if there’s anything I can do to help.”

  His touch always warmed her to the core of her being. The loving look he gave her eased some of the apprehension she had been feeling over the past couple of days.

  Livi allowed herself to relax.

  Once they reached the Alexander estate, Blaze and Ryan joined the men on the patio while Sage and Livi helped out in the kitchen.

  Sage pulled out a bowl of tomatoes. She was about to make a garden salad.

  Livi rinsed off the ears of corn, and then prepared to make homemade salsa.

  “Have you and Blaze considered having a wedding ceremony?” Barbara asked. “To make your marriage legal.”

  “We haven’t talked about a wedding,” Livi responded. “I think that’s a great idea.”

  “What’s a great idea?” Blaze asked from the doorway of the kitchen.

  “Your mother just asked if we considered having a wedding ceremony now.”

  He frowned. “Why would we need to do that?”

  “Well, you don’t really remember the first wedding,” Barbara stated. “We could have a lovely
ceremony, preferably in a church this time around.”

  Livi tried to read the expression on Blaze’s face. He was clearly not thrilled with the idea of another wedding.

  The apprehension she felt earlier was back.

  Livi tried to shake it off.

  “I don’t think we have to do all that,” Blaze uttered. “We’re married. It’s done.”

  “Your wife may not feel the same way,” Sage interjected. “It’s not all about you or what you want.”

  Blaze met Livi’s gaze. “What do you think?” he asked her.

  “I thought it was a wonderful idea.”

  He did not respond.

  His reaction did not go unnoticed by Livi.

  When he left the kitchen, Sage said, “Men...”

  Livi gave a short laugh. “Apparently, one wedding was enough for Blaze.”

  “He’ll come around,” Barbara assured her. “I know my son.”

  Livi was not so sure.

  Once Blaze made up his mind, there was no changing it.

  * * *

  “You’ve been awfully quiet most of the day,” Livi observed aloud when they were preparing to drive back home. “What’s wrong?”

  “Nothing’s wrong,” Blaze responded. “I’ve just had a lot on my mind.”

  Livi did not press him.

  Blaze was still in quiet mode when they arrived home. Livi had been preoccupied on the way there, but now it was Blaze who had nothing to say.

  She sat down beside him on the sofa. “Please don’t do this. Talk to me, sweetheart.”

  He looked over at her. “What do you want to talk about?”

  “Why don’t we start with what’s bothering you, Blaze. I can tell that you’re struggling with something. What is it?”

  “Okay,” he uttered. “Livi, I don’t think we need to have a wedding. As far as I’m concerned, the first one did the trick.”

  His words pierced through Livi like a knife. “I see. But the thing is that we are not really married after all.”

  They stared at each other across a sudden ringing silence.

  “What I meant is...”

  She rose to her feet and walked to the window. “I’m pretty sure I know exactly what you meant, Blaze.”